Pinky Promise

Everything you’ve done so far for your brand has been about making a promise, keeping a promise or breaking a promise.

At the start, you promised to meet expectations that people have of your kind of brand going forward. A bank is expected to be trustworthy, a bakery is expected to be fresh, a bar is expected to have a selection.

The promises you’ve made and need to keep on top of expectations are ones of worth and delight and connection and community. They’re of making the right choices when push comes to shove. They’re of mitigating risk or maximizing reward.

Alas, there’s the near inevitability of breaking a promise. More often than not, though, is that a promise was broken that you never intended on promising.

When you’re building, it’s important to know what you stand for, who your target is, where the funds are coming from, but just as important (and more forgotten) is to know and communicate what you’re promising, the change you are telling the customer to anticipate, the delight one will experience when they choose you.

It’s about making the promise clear.

Stay Positive & Make It Something Worth Talking About, Too

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Garth Beyer
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