Pleasure In The Pressure

Pleasure In Pressure

There’s no doubt procrastination happens because of fear and worry and the feeling of risk – we despise that feeling.

I’d argue that inaction is as much of a result of us finding pleasure in the pressure as it is to reduce the time we feel uncomfortable.

There’s something invigorating about thrashing. It’s almost as if it’s another way to ignore the little voice in our heads saying we’re not good enough or that we should do something else that doesn’t feel as risky. There’s no time for that. There’s work to be done.

And so we do it. Time and time again, we show up.

The one’s who choose to take advantage of this knowledge will find a way to thrash earlier and more often.

Stay Positive & Sounds Like Its Time To Set Our Own Deadlines

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Garth Beyer
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