While in school you accomplish a lot, some of a lot of value, more so of little value, but you still complete a plethora of tasks. Traditionally speaking, the largest achievement is acquiring a degree.
I beg to differ.
The largest achievement is you starting your own business, releasing your first product, building a sales team, creating an online store, or transforming fans into a tribe that kickstarts your passion. All of which can easily be done by one method.
Find a way to get together with other students in a focus group. Schedule one meeting a week that is one to three hours long. Brainstorm. Simple as that.
You start to do that your freshman, sophomore, junior and possibly even senior year of college and you will, without a doubt, have achieved something far greater, overwhelmingly valuable, and more remarkable than a degree at the end of your time there.
There are other passionate people waiting to meet you. Call out to them, organize, and create.
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