Rating Customers

Two Way Street Of Feedback

Uber shook things up in the cab industry when it let people rate their experience with a driver.

This was new to the industry, but not to the world.

Yelp seems to have existed forever. Oh, and need I write about Amazon reviews?

But Uber shook things up more when it let drivers rate their experience with a customer.

When Ebay established the two-way street of sellers being able to also give feedback to buyers – the game changed.

On Fiverr, it’s not just the artists work that receives feedback. The buyer gets it, too.

Recently you see this in the trucking industry, as well. Drivers are rating their experience at the customer’s location. If one isn’t meeting (or exceeding) expectations, then they’ll both lose in the long haul.

It begs the question of how can we establish the two-way street within our business if it doesn’t yet have it?

Restaurants haven’t found a way to rate their patrons yet. Nor have rock concerts, coffee providers, Yoga instructors or airlines.

What’ll happen to our customer base if find a way to enable the two-way feedback?

More frighteningly, what will happen if we don’t?

Stay Positive & Let’s Shake Things Up (For The Better)

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Garth Beyer
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