Scenario Planning

Sticky Note Planning

Thinking through various scenarios, it’s tough work. It’s time consuming. It’s emotionally draining. It’s going to hurt your brain if you do it right.

So here are a few reminders to make it less painful and more likely that you do it now rather than later because if it’s later then you’ll rush it; As with all things, haste makes waste.

  • Write and then talk the scenario out loud: Hearing the path will make it more clear if it’s a path worth pursuing than if you merely read it. If it doesn’t sound convincing saying it, then it’s likely not a good scenario.
  • Find someone you trust to get you to think more deeply: You’re not at this alone. Share your scenarios with someone you trust the opinion of (and who is likely in your target audience or at minimum understands your brand or business or goal). They’ll gut check you.
  • Draw the line between what you want and what you’re doing for others: When the line is blurred or we only look at one side of the coin, decisions get made that we regret. The only way to find the balance between WIIFM and WIIFT is to draw the line and detail both sides.
  • There are no wrong scenarios to start: Put them all out on the table, in the notebook or on the wall. Cutting scenarios too soon prevents you from thinking through ideas that might be worth taking from one scenario and applied to another.

Stay Positive & Back To Planning

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Garth Beyer
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