People are naturally inclined to show up, to listen or to read when doing so will teach them how to react in similar situations.
Why listen to music? To relate and be given answers on how to act or think when certain things occur. Why read blogs? The same. Why watch soap opera’s or How I Met Your Mother? The same.
But, also notice that more people watch HIMYM than the Soaps. Why? Because it provides more relatable answers and responses that one can use in real life.
The trick to connecting, to building a tribe or to getting followers isn’t really a trick at all. It’s about creating a program where if something turns up in their life, they would know what to do about it.
Stay Positive & Start Getting People To Show Up
Garth E. Beyer
- The PLG Ride Through The Customer’s Eyes - January 22, 2025
- The Next Wave - January 21, 2025
- Breaking Through The Enterprise Noise - January 20, 2025