Simple Ideas And Tough Executions

Traiblazing Ideas

We unduly attempt to uncover tough ideas that we can execute simply.

We think deeply about a problem, looking for an idea that’s never been thought of or done before, but it’s got to be easy to do. Great work, well, doesn’t work like that.

There is, however, a magical bank of unlimited simple ideas.

The caveat is they are often tough to manufacture.

Consider this simple idea from Forever21 who took the fans selfies content and turned them into the material they make their clothes with.

It’s not a new technique to think about two items that have never been put together and then put them together, but the more you focus on the reverse, the tough ideas with simple executions, the more you become a path finder, not a trail blazer. And at the end of the day, it’s often the work of the path finder that the trail blazers mix and match with. All you’re doing is fueling the work for those to be better than you.


Stay Positive & Care More About The Tough Work, Less The Tough Ideas

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Garth Beyer
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