Slightly Overestimate

Giving a larger estimate on, say, what you will return on someone’s ad spend can be a great thing to do. It comes layered with a promise, accountability and pressure on making you smarter to ensure you get a little more return than anticipated.

Telling someone it’s going to take 40 minutes for a table to open up instead of the 30 you think it will is a win-win. It saves your butt if something happens that truly does cause a 10 minute backup and, if not, it provides a wonderful surprise and delight for the group that thought they were going to have to wait 40.

Overestimating works far better than underestimating.

Then again, overestimate too much and relationships crumble, trust is broken and any thought of igniting loyalty becomes a distant dream.

Risk lightly. But still risk.

Stay Positive & Slightly By Slightly

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Garth Beyer
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