Start Selling

Start Selling

Chances are likely that you need a significant amount of capital to start what you’ve dreamt of starting. (Significant amount to you, of course.)

Unfortunately (or more fortunately) the days are fading in which you can raise the funds needed to start and then, all the sudden, you get the green light.

More likely is that you’ve started to sell some form of your product.

It might not be specifically what you’ve dreamt up, but it’s a start.

It’s having someone else brew your beer and distribute it before you do. It’s running food tours before you open a restaurant. It’s doing freelance work before breaking off into your own agency.

Sure, quitting today, going to the bank tomorrow and starting your new endeavor next week is a possibility, but it invites unnecessary hardship.

And it’s not even that we can take on the challenge; it’s that we’ve gotten smarter.

Start small. Start selling. Drip drip drip.

Stay Positive & This Journey Is More Fun Anyway

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Garth Beyer
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