Stepping Up Again

Step By Step By Step

It takes roughly 50,000 steps to complete a marathon in one day.

If you wanted to complete a marathon in a month you’re looking at just over 1,500 steps per day.

Way easier than the 10,000 they advise on a daily basis, right?

That’s because the advisement is wrong. They say you need to have this grand feat in a day, that you should push other things aside to make it work and move your life around so you can complete way more than most.

It’s sorta how we view a lot of work we create.

We convince ourselves that to write a book, we need an entire day dedicated to writing.

What if we broke that 120,000 word novel into days. That’s 1,000 words per day for a few months.

Way easier.

Truth is that those who write a novel in a day, run a marathon and create the work that you admire don’t do so in a day, in bulk or all at once; they go after it a little bit every day.

Step by step by step.


Stay Positive & What Matters Is You Keep Moving Forward

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Garth Beyer
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