Stories As Facts And Features

Brand Story

What makes a story incredible is when it resonates. A brand story works when it fits into the narrative someone is already telling themselves about their life. A brand story that moves is a story that’s seamlessly integrated into another story … the target’s story.

The story about fast internet is within the narrative of most. But when internet (story) is nonexistent in a restaurant or social gathering place, there’s frustration and dissatisfaction.

The story about 1 in 4 children living in poverty is a story that resonates only with few who have a narrative of generosity and empathy. That’s why it’s hard for so many to wrap their minds around it.

The biggest problem I see with brand stories is when the story is used as a fact or feature to convert a consumer. And we both know facts and features aren’t moving. The facts and features may offer reassurance or an out, but they’re not what a person is truly searching for.

Consider heritage stories of the land a business occupies. It might sound like a great story, but that’s not often what people go into telling themselves about why they are there or the product they want to purchase.

Thankfully the solution is simple. When there’s a costumer at your door, listen and ask questions until you know what story they are telling themselves and how you might fit into it.


Stay Positive & Less Following A Script, More Listening, Please

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Garth Beyer
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