Successful Entrepreneurs

Successful Entrepreneurs

You can label a handful of people as successful entrepreneurs, but it does damage to one’s perception of what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.

A group of businessmen and women may be labeled as successful entrepreneurs, but they are all successful in different ways. They all accomplished their goals of starting and running a remarkable business differently.

There are no manuals for becoming a successful entrepreneur because there’s no one way to do it. Everyone does it differently.

The best way to market, the best way to start a business, the best way to get on the NYT bestseller list is your own way, the way YOU invent.

Even if you mimic the work of Gladwell or Godin, there’s only one Gladwell and Godin; there’s no room for you. That’s the way it ought to be.

Decide now that you’ll be a successful entrepreneur, but don’t expect to get there solely by following a step-by-step guide (because there isn’t one).


Stay Positive & Go Create Your Own Guidelines To Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur

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Garth Beyer
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