Preparation & Expectation Reversed

Whoever said “Prepare for the worst but expect the best” was wrong, very wrong indeed.

However, something I agree with – that surely you do to – is that “Actions speak louder than words”. Wouldn’t preparing for the best, be best? Putting forth the effort and action required to prepare for something that will be in the top 10% of greatest accomplishments is what is important. You don’t want to prepare for the worst as discussed in an earlier post (Safety First: The Art Of Preparation) So why not prepare for the best but expect the worst? After all, our greatest moments of happiness arrive when something that was positively unexpected occurs. This means that when whatever you prepared for was a success, you will feel a billion times greater because you thought it wouldn’t turn out that great.

After this, it might be better to start saying that actions speak louder than thoughts too.


Stay Positive and Keep Doing Better Than Expected

Garth E. Beyer

Why Reading Garth’s Blog Benefits You

Aside from the spectacular content. I am always switching things up, I am always offering different and new information; all, of course, to help you in life in a variety of ways.

I mentioned on the side by my gravatar about how adversity is rarely spoken about and that is where you can truly benefit from reading this blog. I keep you continuously surprised at what type of content you will be in-taking each day. Sure, I could get a lot more followers by having a common trend, a single niche of content every day. Fortunately, I know that I am impacting you much more than those who provide habitual content. To produce content that correlates with your routine is the last goal any blogger should have.

I want to break the routine, break the status quo, break your traditional thought processes throughout the day. See it as this: at work you have a task that you have to do every day, and you generally handle it the same way. But from time to time, you run into a speed bump and at first you are hesitant, but after you think it through and overcome the setback, how do you feel? Accomplished, powerful, recognized, achieved, you did something , accomplished something, subconsciously it makes you feel like you deserve that raise you have been wanting a little bit more. That feeling you get after you overcome adversity and accomplish something, that is the feeling I am after and that is why my blog benefits you.

Stay Positive and You Deserve A Raise In Life

Garth E. Beyer