Worth It?

“Was it worth it?” is a question we ask ourselves quite often. If you’re like Seth, then the answer can always be “yes” if you look at the effort you put in as the reward.

While I have that attitude most of the time, some things aren’t worth it and I can’t trick myself into believing the effort I put in was rewarding. So here’s my back-up mentality.

“Can I still make it worth it?”

I don’t give up until I do.

When you or anyone else asks you if it was worth it, “it” doesn’t need to signify an end of effort.

Just as you have the choice to look at effort as the reward, you can look at effort as an ongoing endeavor.


Stay Positive & It’s More Work…But It’s Worth It

How Do Will Do


There’s something special to the people with “will do!” attitudes. They’re often the ones to lead, to take on more than they can handle, and the ones to have long “to-do” lists (and an equally long “done” list). These narcissists state they will do something: they will fix it, they will improve it, they will increase sales, profits, referrals.

Yes, these types of people have a stigma, many being given the title of Millennial.

I care to dissipate the stigma. There is one short way to removing this societal blemish, and it’s to change the way you think.

Instead of “will do!” attitudes, revert back to the “can I do?” attitudes.

To ask is to observe, to analysis, and to consider all possibilities. “Can I do?” attitudes are open-minded. Asking if you can accomplish something allows you to explore, whereas stating that you will do something and then just doing it prevents experimentation and above all, feedback.

Once it is done, you can check it off. But those who have “can I do?” attitudes ask themselves if they can do better once they accomplish what they set off to do.

The beauty of it all is that you can carry over the motivation, the determination, and the tenacity that “will do!” attitudes have into the “can I do?” attitude.

Just start asking yourself if you can complete something instead of stating you will.


Stay Positive & A Little Self Actually Helps

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit


When you feel behind, you need to change not what you do, but the attitude you carry with one action. Before you know it, your attitude will be consistent with other actions.

Your consistent attitude with one action always becomes present in all other habits.

It’s just the way it is.


Stay Positive & Use It To Your Advantage

Garth E. Beyer

The “Let-Someone-Else-Do-It” Attitude

How often have you muttered under the earshot of others that “If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself”?

Unfortunately, you hear that a lot more than “If you want something done right, ask someone who is a professional at it to do it”. Of course though, you, I, we, are all only human and humans take extreme pride in their ego and are ignorant that they cannot do everything to perfection. As a result, help is never asked for.

Now, it’s not so much a matter that other people can’t do something right, but more of a matter that you can do it better. Or can you?

Today I have asked a new good friend Hulbert Lee who wrote the eBook “How To Focus Better” to write a guest post. Without further ado, – Enter Hulbert

The Value of Asking People for Help

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from starting an online business is not being afraid to ask others for help. I think when people first start out, they have a tendency of wanting to do everything themselves. Either they have grown up and have adopted that sense of “do-it-yourself” mentality or they’re simply just afraid to ask.

For me, I’ve always kind of adopted an attitude that I can do anything I want just as good as anyone else out there as long as I put in the time and effort to do it. This is a good mentality to have if you’re trying to build on one skill, but it can also have its downfalls if you’re trying to do too many things at once.

For example, when I started an online business specifically to help people focus better, I was told to create a product, create a website, get people to the website, and then market the product for the people to buy.

So I spent a few months researching and writing an e-book. After that was done, I remember spending months trying to experiment with designing my website or trying to write copy for my sales page. I spent a lot of money on software and books to learn all of this. But in the end, it just caused a lot of stress and wasted time.

It came down to the point where I realized that I was a writer — not a designer, not a copywriter.

So when I let these realizations go, I began to look for people who were experienced in these areas.

I remember when I first hired my designer to design the e-book layout (which was still in black-and-white document text back then) I was blown away by her results. Just the design made what could have been a bland text turn into something colorful and exciting to read.

I know not everyone will have the budget to hire a designer, but if you constantly seek help out there on the vast Web, sometimes you’ll get lucky.

Like when I was looking for someone to write my sales page copy, I remember digging through the forum pages, and surprisingly enough, found someone who was offering to do a free sales copy. I figured he was probably just starting out and trying to earn credibility as a copywriter.

I jumped on the opportunity and emailed him, and within only about 50 minutes, he had sent me a fresh, new copy for my sales page — all for free. Ever since then, my conversion rates have gone up for my business.

So my advice here for people, who want to succeed in the online world of business, is to always continue to ask people for help. There’s a good chance that another person, who is more experienced and talented than you, will be more than willing to help you out and offer you valuable feedback that will drive your business in the right direction and to where you want it to go.

By Hulbert Lee

After reading Hulbert’s post, I was reminded of the one great attribute that I love about the online community. You can ALWAYS find someone to help you if you search hard enough. It never hurts to do a little research to find who are professionals on the topic you need assistance on and ask them for their help.

Personally, I have even emailed Seth Godin whom I talked to before to write me a letter of recommendation. This was, of course, before he released his eBook Stop Stealing Dreams and if you have read it, you know why he did not write me one. This action made me realize why you don’t ask for help – you don’t like to take a risk. You risk getting rejected, you risk getting told your idea is unworthy of someone else’s attention (especially a professionals).

You need to know that this is not how the online community works. For example, Hulbert searched for experts that knew how to write and knew about “focusing” to read and write a testimonial for his eBook. Hulbert told me that 20% of those he asked, read and wrote a testimonial. Well, you know how they say 20% of the people have 80% of the money and success. Those people who fall under Hulberts 20% category know the power of, not only giving, but also how important it is for others to ask for help which is a main reason they choose to read and write a testimonial for him. As a result, the 20% of people are no doubt well on their way to success (whatever success means to them). The other 80% missed the opportunity to give, to connect, to learn the lesson and benefits of asking and giving help. What they, and you need to know is that when asking for help, people will not criticize you, they will help you.

All you have to do is take the risk.


Stay Positive and Use Your Ingenuity To Seek Assistance

Garth E. Beyer

I now call Hulbert a friend and surely he calls me one as well. It is the simple act of asking for help that will propel you to the direction of the success you want.

Football Receiver

Football Receiver

I did not watch Monday night football, but I can guarantee that at least one player fell short of catching the football during a deep pass. Do you think it was the quarterback’s fault? After all, he runs the plays and it is his job to pass the ball perfectly to the receiver. Or is it?

Far too many times in life, we cut ourselves short from catching the touch-down pass because it was thrown a few feet too far and we do not push ourselves. We  half-ass a project instead of full-assing it and then some, we stick with light work instead of taking on a heavy load and initiating beast-mode. Simply, we don’t work to our fullest potential.

The little train that could was wrong when he said “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.” That is weak, that is for four-year olds to say to themselves when they are reaching for the cookies on the top shelf.

You however, are Mighty, Powerful, Incredible and capable of achieving what you want.

Well, it is your choice now…

Why are you going to push yourself to reach that goal? Why are you going to push yourself to finish that project? Why are you going to push yourself to take those extra few steps?

“Because You Can. Because You Can. Because You Can!”

Be the football player that pushes himself to catch the ball that was thrown a bit too far. Don’t let the depth of the task prevent you from accomplishing it.

After all, the quarterback might throw you a farther pass because he knows you can push yourself to get it. The universe will never give you anything you cannot handle.


Stay Positive, Because you can.

–          Garth E. Beyer