Find Your Chokepoint And Learn From It

Find Your Chokepoint And Learn From It

Chokepoint Chokehold

When you begin having more followers than you can handle, more orders than you can supply, more promises than you can keep up with, and you’re feeling the stress of it all – you’ve reached your chokepoint. It’s a positive thing to know where that point is for two reasons.

It’s a reminder that you can stop trying for quantity, and to start focusing on quality.

I’ve written multiple blog posts in one day. I’ve crashed more time’s I would like to admit. I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. I’ve learned from all of these moments.

There’s a reason I only write one post a day. There’s a reason I take a walk, do yoga or meditate each day. There’s a reason I stretch, before I take on a large workload. I’m not saying don’t make my same mistakes. I’m saying make sure you learn from your own chokepoint. The chokepoint is only a negative, detrimental phase if you stay there.

The chokepoint also reminds you that you’re human. When you recognize your chokepoint, your style of writing, interacting, working, changes. You think more on a personal level. By becoming more aware of how you spend your time, you also consider the time of your audience. By default, it will be easier for you to connect with people.


Stay Positive & Everyone Pushes Themselves Too Hard From Time To Time, It’s Okay

(as long as you learn from it)

Photo credit

This Is Fictional

159 people died from a rockslide yesterday.

159 stories ended after a rockslide demolished a small town yesterday.

Which gets to you more? People aren’t just people. People are living, growing, working stories. They’re emotional with their highs and lows. Are you careful how you communicate with them? Are you adding to their story? There stories could end at anytime.


Stay Positive & Every Day We Have A Chance To Be A High In Someone’s Story

Hey, Your Humanity Is Showing

Noticing humanity comes natural, so natural to the point you may say you don’t even notice it.

You may think adding that extra characteristic of humanity, of vulnerability, of doodle, if you will, will take away from the formality, credibility and technicality of your business. It doesn’t.

I opened the Great Lakes philanthropy booklet today (what could be more human that this?) and the message from the president ends with his signature (ineligible). Following is his name and title in print (eligible).

You may see things like this and, as I have, wonder “what’s the point?” After all, you can’t read it, there’s almost no point to it.

On the contrary.

Would you believe just having a badge or ribbon-like image on a book cover makes it more likely for people to pick up and believe in? The text within the image doesn’t quite matter. It can say “runner-up finalist” or “enjoy the read.” The image adds a dimension of credibility to it just as the signature adds a dimension of humanity to the letter.

The same, I’m arguing goes for all small humanistic prints of ours: a signature, a typo, a hand written newsletter, a behind-the-scenes video or one-on-one unscripted interview of an employee. No one needs to ever mention the video to another or point out the signature; these marks don’t need to stand out, they simply need to be there. Every person notices them whether you or they realize it or not.

A final example: People love technology, but when you take all the humanity out of it, you’re removing what people connect to. When Apple talks design, they aren’t talking about how pure and inhuman the device is, they’re talking about all the human qualities they’ve put into it.


Stay Positive & People Connect Through Nonverbal Communicational Ques, Not Cords

Be The A-Player They Want To Hire

Hiring A-Players is much more difficult to do in a rough economy. Simple fact of the matter is that with a flipped economy, there aren’t more A-Player resumes, there’s a massive flux of C-Player resumes. (Find a longer explanation here.)

This framing doesn’t put the problem on your shoulders, it puts it on the business’s shoulders. I don’t like that. It’s not fair. Businesses shouldn’t be looking for the A-Player to higher. They should be deciding between this A-Player and that A-Player. It’s not them, it’s you (and yes, it’s me too).

In light of this, here are four steps you can take daily to become that A-Player.

1) Connect with someone every day. It can be something as little as sending a Tweet at someone or friending someone on FB who you haven’t seen in a while. Or something larger: coffee with a CEO, scheduling a tour of an agency to talk with employees or asking someone to be your mentor. As Brené Brown has said, “Connection is why we’re here. It’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

2) Blog. I can’t stress this enough. You don’t need to do it daily, although it’s likely better if you do. (It took me a year to acquire the daily habit.) If a blog is too big of a start, try journaling for five minutes. Advised by the best.

3) Know that blog or journal you started? Notice what’s happening around you and write about it. Are you a musician? Keep an ear and an eye out for what stands out most about other musicians whether it’s their actual melody or their marketing strategy. Share what you find interesting. The thing about being human is that if you find something interesting, their’s surely someone else who agrees. No matter how different it may be.

4) Be human. Seriously.


Stay Positive & Four Things, Is That Too Much?


That’s Not Really A Guest

At your first encounter with someone, whether it’s online, during work, or – in my case – at a Toastmasters meeting, you may think they are just a guest. What is a guest, though?

A guest is someone whom you meet outside of your routine life that you may or may not see again. Furthermore, a guest gives you two options to choose from. You can either treat them as a friend and connect with them, or you can carry on with your day without getting to know them.

Interact or ignore.

Laypeople base this decision off the degree of certainty that they think they will see the guest again. Those who expect to see the guest frequently will often choose to sit down and have a conversation. Those who expect to see the guest just this once will often choose to go no further than “Hello there.”

The linchpins of the world know that they need – no… they feel that it is only right to treat guests the same way they would a janitor or secretary, which not coincidentally is the same way they treat the average layperson or CEO.

Successful people don’t look toward equality, they look toward being human, connecting, and igniting positive responses. The only perk is that later down the line, having a conversation instead of ignoring a guest may come to benefit you. Heck, it’s just a simple real-world application of Pascal’s Wager.

Engaging in the life of a guest may or may not benefit you, but it’s always best to interact than to not.


Stay Positive & You Never Know When/Where You Will See Them Again, Trust Me

Garth E. Beyer

28 Lessons To Living The Successful Life Through Personal-Achievement Principles

Yes it’s a mouthful but it is the best description that I can give to the following 28 lessons. Enjoy.


1. Better results does not make a better plan. A better plan makes better results.

2. Happiness is meant to be designed. You create it, you sculpt it, you make it.

3. Discipline: without it there is no bridge from your goal to your accomplishments.

4. Success is sending yourself an invitation to grow, develop, move up, build more, create more, invest more, innovate more and raise above mediocrity.

5. Life works like a magnet, the more you put forth to your goals, the closer you get to the results you want, the harder you work at your dreams, the more force in which they pull you toward them, it gets easier. It always gets easier.

6. Learning is the beginning. Everything else will fall into place itself.

7. Things only change when you do.

8. There really are no destinations, only points in which you change direction again.

9. Be influenced by the successful. Peer pressure is necessary as long as it pushes us further toward our real potential.

10. Be influential. Peer pressure is necessary as long as it pushes someone further toward their real potential.

11. Remove “easy”, “simple”, and “effortless from your vocabulary. Also never make something a piece of cake, have it all or take nothing.

12. Try. Only when you don’t try, do you fail.

13. Answer this question, very clearly. What is the purpose of life?

14. Lead a tribe of as much inspired if not more willing people than yourself. Create an unbeatable alliance with others.

15. Create a new faith, a new religion, a new belief and call it “The YourName Faith/Religion”. This is the only way to destroy any limitations.

16. A good person runs a mile. A great person runs an extra mile. Only a legend keeps running long after the first, second, third, ninth mile. Always do more, always.

17. Make every part of your character visible.

18. Be Human.

19. Self-initiative, Self-resilience, Self-motivation, Self-assurance, Self-inspiration, Self-control, Self-discipline, Self-growth, everything begins with yourself. Want to be successful? Work on you harder than you work on your job.

20. Pursue an interest that makes you feel alive. Nothing radiates more positively to others than a personal keen interest in something, something you pour your passion into, something that if upon waking up at 2 am and asked what your muse is, you answer with it.

22. Combine accurate and imaginative thinking to create your art.

23. You won’t last without good health.

24. Not to mention exercise is the absolute greatest habit you can create to stimulate the positive senses.

25. Living in the moment is derived from the collection of experience you have had controlling, focusing and centering your attention on the positive, on the material that will help you produce results you care about and on the search for what you can learn from every moment.

26. Everything remarkable was the result of overcoming adversity. If you come face-to-face with adversity or even sometimes get defeated, you are on the right path. Nothing worthy comes easy.

27. Visualization doesn’t need to be done all at once. Visualization is something that is meant to be anointed to all the various positive thoughts that float through your mind every day.

28. Care


Stay Positive & Live The Successful Life

Garth E. Beyer