Using Others’ Brain Space

One of the largest perks to being in a relationship is you can rely on the other to remember certain things and vice versa.

He knows directions to the obscure mexican restaurant on the other side of town. She needs to use her GPS.

She knows all the groceries to get. He needs a list.

The same shared mental space applies to your friends, your followers, your tribe. The more connections you make, the more you can rely on others to fill one of your knowledge gaps, the more you can rely on others to be the expert.

No need to learn how to buy a house, your real estate friend has all the information for you. No need to learn about the stars or space, your astronomer space-head follower has your back. No need to think of a clever email CTA, your tribe can tell you what they want.

The sad part is we often rely so heavily on using others’ brain space that we forget to be the expert for others, the brain they pick.


Stay Positive & Curiously Passionate

Unnoticed Celebrities

Unnoticed Celebrities

I'm A Celebrity, Go Away

You’re one of them. Me too.

What does the noticed celebrity artist have that you don’t?

You may say “a following” or “venture capital” but both are snub excuses because you have the same resources that any celebrity has or had at one point to build a tribe and acquire funding.

Drake needed Lil Wayne to lift him up. What’s stopping you from reaching out, asking for help, finding a mentor?

All of these businesses needed capital. What’s stopping you from making pitches, asking for sponsorships, finding a partner?

How you become a celebrity, an expert, an artist isn’t that difficult to figure out. Following through with all the hows is the difficult part.


Stay Positive & Just Like Them, You Can Do It

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The Not-So-Simple Simple Process Of Becoming An Expert

Step 0: Choose what you want to become an expert in.

Step 1: Learn about it to the point you don’t make mistakes.*
Step 2. Do things adequately.
Step 3. Follow your intuition.

After step two is complete – you’re mediocre and work has become more a routine than anything – is when almost everyone gets stuck. They get comfortable with meeting standards and not pushing any buttons for improvement. But there is no art in doing something right. The art is in doing something better than it was done before. Art follows passion and passion follows intuition which hopefully you follow. That is how you become an expert.

* No. I hope it’s obvious that I don’t actually mean that you don’t make any mistakes at all. However, there is a point in every position of your career path where you make little to no mistakes. This point arrives when you learn nearly all you can.


Stay Positive & If You Stop Being Surprised At Work, You’re Stuck

Garth E. Beyer