Short Stack Opportunity

Short Stack Eats

Breakfast joint Short Stack Eats in Madison has a weekly blind special. If you ask them what’s in it, they charge you $12.95. If you order on good faith, it’s only $6.95.

The real perk of going to Short Stack Eats is if you ask once, you can always be braver next time since the special changes each week.

Think about that for a moment.

Is it an opportunity or a risk? Will we be braver next week? Can we change the way we see something from risk to opportunity?

We can certainly afford the risk of a breakfast, but if we have the mindset of risk instead of opportunity about something as simple as breakfast, do we wear those glasses when we look at larger decisions regarding entrepreneurship, leadership or creativity?

Can we afford to have that mindset?

Thing is, with decisions that matter, we can’t pay extra to know whether something will work for us or not. We may not have the chance to be braver next week in the same capacity. And in the real world if we end up getting something we don’t like, it’s not as easy to find someone else who will take it off our plate (pun intended).

Seems to me the only way to look at big decisions and blind specials is as opportunities.


Stay Positive & Be Brave

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Time Isn’t Everything

I could blog everyday for 5 years and still not get anywhere. You could spend 10 years on artwork and never get a chance to showcase it in a gallery. Your friend can spend his 20s fixing cars, but never get a tip. Gladwell’s idea you must spend at least 10,000 hours on something before you become a professional is incomplete. It’s not really the time the matters. It’s the bravery, the risk, the new things you try during that time.

Turns out 10,000 hours is enough time to try as many options, take as many risks and show as much bravery as it takes to truly get noticed, recognized and respected for your effort.

Time isn’t everything. Grit is.


Stay Positive & Start Impressing Yourself With The Work You Do