What’ll You Name It?

What’ll You Name It?

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Naming [your book, your business, your child] is one of the most exciting steps of creation. Unfortunately it’s also one of the most time-consuming. While we mull over a hundred different names, use name creation sites, and view top baby/business/book name lists, we waste precious time that could be spent making something out of the name.

I have two tips to offer when it comes to what you’ll name your project.

1) Don’t think of what you want to name your tangible project as you see it now. Instead, think of naming the vision, think of what you want to name the end result, think about what the project will look like when it’s complete and what name best represents that image. Make people believe in something with your name. Create huge expectations out of the name. Don’t think about the starting line, think about the finish.

2) Pick a name quickly. By all means, take a few days, run it by a couple of people you admire (and who know what they are actually talking about), but pick a name quickly. A name is what you make it. Seth Godin wasn’t a remarkable name when he was given it, but it has since become the name of one of the most remarkable marketers of this era. Apple was decided on quickly and has made a name for itself. Same with Zappos, Chobani, Uber, and so on. Pick a name and move on.

It’s not a ‘which came first the chicken or the egg’ situation here. The name came first. The meaning came second. And it’s the meaning that you want to be focusing your energy and time on.


Stay Positive & Fill Your Name With Meaning

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What’s The Character’s Name


I wrote a 50,000 word novel for National Novel Writing Month. I didn’t think of a name for the main character when I was writing it. Oddly enough, I did name every other character in the book. Any time my main character’s name was supposed to come up while writing, I typed “[insert name here].”

I did it because I didn’t know what to name my character. Halfway through my novel, I laughed at the idea that the way I’ve been writing “[insert name here]” implies that the reader of the novel is the main character.

All said and 50,000 words done, I had to insert a name. I went with Alexander Preston. There’s no definitive reason behind it. Summed up, “Alexander Preston” is something common and something uncommon. Want to know how much time I spent picking out the name? 2 seconds.

I thought of one stupid name and then I thought of Alexander Preston. I can’t believe how many hours some writers spend thinking of a name. Better yet, I can’t believe how many days businesses spend thinking of one.

Here’s what most miss:

The name of the main character doesn’t make the book. The name of the business doesn’t make the business. Branding isn’t about throwing out A and then B, C and D happen.

It’s about making B, C and D happen in a way that people attribute it to A.

To all the writers and folks determined to create one startup after another that read my blog. Don’t waste time like others have. You can come up with a great name in an hour.

And if you don’t know how, I’ll be writing about it tomorrow (or tonight if I have time).


Stay Positive & [Seriously, Just Insert A Name Already]