Letting Things Sink In

Let Ideas Sink In

Perhaps the point of a football huddle isn’t just to set up the next strategy. What if the 20 minute period break during hockey isn’t just so the team can rest. Maybe taking a month or two off after college graduation is better than running straight into a job. Science tells us we retain, understand and think about information better by getting a good night’s sleep. I see rest as effective on a smaller scale too.

Having a brain storm session then forcing employees to get working on an idea right away isn’t as effective as letting them sit on it for a bit or congregate around the water cooler to chat about it outside the Thunderdome Of Ideas.

Too often we invest in the belief that being and staying busy is being productive, is creating value. Wrong.

A remarkable friend of mine schedules time to get away each week, not because he’s unhappy or that work is too much for him, but because he knows to give himself time for things to sink in.

When you react to a medication, that’s a bad thing. When you respond to treatment, that’s a plus. – Seth Godin

The best feedback on meetings comes the day after. When you ask for feedback right at the end of the meeting, you have a room full of people reacting, not responding. Yet, so many managers ask for feedback right away or schedule tasks one after the other, no break.

By regularly placing ourselves in an environment that isn’t pulling us this way and that, we can process situations on a deeper level of understanding, we can invest time to truly think why X happened instead of Y or maybe realize why X was a good thing to happen in the first place.

If you think all this is hard to believe, then you’re thinking right. Take however much time you need to mull it over.


Stay Positive & Wine Tastes Better After You Let It Breathe

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Is A Decision

Cutting this to do that… is a decision.

Being busy… is a decision.

Staring at the blank page/canvas/map in front of you instead of forging on… is a decision.

Admitting defeat… is a decision.

Picking yourself up after rejection… is a decision.

Picking yourself to lead… is a decision.

Wearing two different socks… is a decision.

Running from fear… is a decision. So is dancing with it.

“I don’t have time”… is a decision.

Your motivation… is a decision.

Cutting corners and making shortcuts… is a decision.

Being in it for the long-haul… is a decision.

Not moving forward with a project because your partner back out… is a decision.

Everything you do throughout the day you decide to do. So it is with what you think, how you feel, who you talk to, who you ignore. Noticing each decision may not make you feel comfortable or safe. In fact, it will likely be the opposite. Yet, it’s exactly how you will get to where you want to go: quicker, stronger, happier.

Controlling your life… is a decision.


Stay Positive & No One Said Steering A Boat In Rough Waters Was Easy



Too Much Intake Pt. 2

Those who say they have nothing to do are liars.

Every day there is a constant stream of to-do’s, of tasks, of obligations. Keeping busy is the easiest thing in the world. Our inbox’s are filling as I type this. We’ve got more notifications and distractions than ever before. Oh, did your phone just vibrate too?

Plain and simple, we’re damn busy. Of course, “busy” is commonly misinterpreted.

This intake of lights, noises, beeps, buzzers, reminders, flags, dings, ticks, and notification symbols is a great way to trick us into thinking that responding to them is a form of output. That being busy is the same as producing something that matters.

Let’s remember that not all things that come in are worth taking in. Let’s not confuse busy with meaningful. Let’s make sure not to devote too much time to intake when what matters is output.

Hey, intake will be there whether you are too, or not.

Output, on the other hand, only shows up when you do.


Stay Positive & Go Do Something (that matters more than responding to that txt)

Garth E. Beyer



Busy? Get Excited

You’re busy. I’m busy. Other readers are busy. Your neighbor is busy. So is your boss, your parents, your friends, your co-workers, and the customer service agents you try to reach when one bad thing happens after the other.

(after all, haste makes waste)

I’m surprised you have time to read this, but I will be even more surprised if you take action after reading.

Clearly, everyone is busy. The world is filled with busy people. But don’t you think it’s odd that I don’t say that they are energetic people, or excited people, or people on their venture for success? Nope. Just busy, with “busy” feeling dull, tasteless and a lot like a job you hate.

Becoming a success isn’t about being busy, staying busy, or having been busy. When you ask a successful person what they did, what they are doing, or what they will do, they are ecstatic to share it with you. Every bit of their story, their plans, their to-do’s are drenched in excitement.

(get excited in a haste, it’s the only action that doesn’t make waste)

I see a trend in successful people; they maintain the quality of a child who is always excited and applies it to their schedule. Are they busy? They have a lot to do, but the excitement counters the daft emotions that cling to the idea of being “busy”.

Don’t be busy, be excited. And be excited more often than you are busy.


Stay Positive & Titillated (yea, it’s a word)

Garth E. Beyer

Time’s Product Of Passion

You know the concept that the busier you are the more you seem to fit in? It’s as if, the more you do the more time you have. Now can you imagine how much more time you would have if you were busy doing things creatively, with more value and even more passion?

Kind of makes the vacation time you are getting at your job now seem a bit short doesn’t it?


Stay Positive & Work Less, Passion More

Garth E. Beyer