Not Everyone

In a world filled with people making choices based on the size of the competition pool, it does well to remember not everyone wants to be a public speaker. Not everyone wants to become a plumber. Not everyone wants to do what you want to do.

There’s competition no matter where you go, but it does well to remember your competition isn’t everyone in the world even though it feels that way from time to time.


Stay Positive & Your Chances Are Better Than You Think

The Lottery Project Effect


When I call forth a team of bright-minded, intuitive individuals to come up with and execute a project idea, we usually don’t find the end.

It doesn’t say much about the specific team members. Like I said, they are all intelligent, all creative and all ambitious. The problem is what I call the Lottery Project Effect.

To them (to anyone I call on) it’s as if they’ve been given the chance to buy a lottery ticket. They show up to the first meeting, they arrive, bringing a determined and creative aura with them. They’re ready to win the lottery.

As Seth Godin says, “The thrill of possibility, the chance for recognition, the chemical high of anticipation. That’s what people pay [show up] for.”

Buying a lottery ticket incites the anticipation and thrill. On the project end, though, being called on is the lottery ticket purchase. The thing is, they don’t cash in the ticket when the project is complete. They’re cashing in the ticket when they show up. The opportunity to create is the reward. They’ve won. But then starts the hard work.

If you didn’t know already, most people who win the lottery end up unhappy in the long run and continue to buy lottery tickets. So it goes on the project side, the thrill of possibility dies down, the chance for recognition that they hoped for starts being fulfilled the moment they meet other team members, the chemical high of anticipation gets trumped by the idea of “I’ve just won the lottery, now what the hell do I do?”

As the project leader, do you keep giving them lottery tickets? Or wait for a team that isn’t interested in the lottery.


Stay Positive & Tough Call, Huh? (That’s the Lottery Project Effect for you.)

Photo credit

There Is Always Evidence

A lot of us wait to see evidence that our actions are making the impact that we want, that our decisions were right ones, that we’re on the best path.

Self-acknowledgment is motivating, but it’s also self-defeating. We take an action and then wait, we stand still, we let fate take it from there until we see results.

While were waiting, the world keeps spinning – spinning other things than just the results were hoping for.

There are other opportunities out there. Don’t miss one because you’re waiting for the outcome of one you took earlier.

And you can always take solace in the fact that there is always evidence that what you want just might happen. I mean, after all, isn’t taking the lead of an opportunity evidence enough that you’ll get what you want.

People die standing still.


Stay Positive & Success Isn’t Judged By Results, It’s Measured By Movement

Garth E. Beyer

Meet By Chance

We meet few people by chance.

Every year we meet hundreds – and for some, thousands – of people willing to be a part of our lives, to benefit us in some way.

Pause and think of all the people who you considered as truly meeting last year. Was there something special attached to meeting that person? Did you help them? Did they assist you? Did one or both of you leave learning something? Are you still communicating and benefiting off each other’s energy?

You never meet anyone without something special transpiring from it. Every meet, all are opportunities in one experience or another. We are due them certain considerations as much as they are due us.

The people who get the most out of meeting someone are the ones who know there’s a reason for them meeting this person, and they are going to make sure they find it.

It’s not coincidence that the most successful people in the world have the most connections with other people, the most communications, the most meet-ups.


Stay Positive & Make This Year One Of Connectivity

Garth E. Beyer