Episode 54: Leaping, Forgetfulness, Being Human And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast we gave advice to those who are about to take a leap, discussed what it means when someone says one needs to be “more human,” what we buy online, how to respond to someone who you were supposed to follow up with weeks ago and not one, but two tips on how to not stress out about not remembering an idea you didn’t write down. Enjoy.

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Episode 54: Leaping, Forgetfulness, Being Human And More

Leaping – What advice do you have for people who are about to take a leap?

Being human – What does it mean when someone says to be human?

Online – What do you buy online?

Forgetfulness – How do you respond if you forget to communicate with someone you said you were going to communicate with?

Bonus – You think of a great idea but can’t write it down — one tip on how to not fret if you can’t remember the idea later?


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Episode 53: Momentum, Communication Styles, Saying No And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast we chat about momentum and when too much of a good thing is a bad thing, how to adapt your communication style to fit different generations and audiences, the process of saying no to someone at work, a tip on being an effective leader, and a tip for what to do when you don’t want to do something you’ve been asked to do. Enjoy.

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Episode 53: Momentum, Communication Styles, Saying No And More

Doing It Anyway – What is one tip you have for someone who has to do something they don’t want to do?

Momentum – Is there such a thing as too much momentum (if so, then what do you do?)

Communication Style – One tip on how to adapt your communication style to your audience?

Saying No – Easiest way to say no to something at work?

Bonus – One tip on being an effective leader?


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In The Box Podcast

Episode 32: Talking To Other Generations, Getting Out Of Ruts, Credentials And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we discussed the importance of credentials for work, how to communicate to people from other generations, whether you should take feedback about your work personally, one way to get out of a rut and whether all change can be considered progress.

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Episode 32: Talking To Other Generations, Getting Out Of Ruts, Credentials And More

Credentials – How are important are credentials when entering an industry?

Generation – Best technique to communicate with other generations?

Not taking things personally – Should you take criticism about your work personally?

Ruts – What is one thing you do to get out of a rut you’re in?

Bonus – Is all change progress?


Stay Positive & Check Out This (And Other) Episodes Here

In The Box Podcast

Episode 29: Connecting To Consumers, Sources Of Disruption, Taxi Cabs And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about if social promotions can work without a real-life element to them, where disruption comes from (in or out) of an industry, a technique for closing a communication gap, on way to connect with a consumer and a riff on the pointless existence of taxi cabs.

Enjoy listening here.

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Episode 29: Connecting To Consumers, Sources Of Disruption, Taxi Cabs And More

Connection: What’s one way to connect with a consumer?

Social media: Do you think a social promotion can work without a real-life connection?

Disruption: Does disruption come from inside an industry or outside of an industry?

Closing a gap: One technique to close a communication gap when talking to someone and there is a misunderstanding?

Bonus: Why do taxi cabs still exist?


Stay Positive & Maybe Connecting Comes From Closing The Gap

In The Box Podcast

Episode 25: Feedback, Stopping Business Growth, Convincing Vs Converting And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we chatted about when you should stop growing your business (Yup, STOP growing it), the tiers of keeping in touch with people, the difference between convincing and converting as well as the difference between being defensive and seeking to be understood. As always, we had a bonus topic (bonus in the sense of always random, thought of in the moments before starting the podcast) where we talked about what advice we would give someone who has a tough time asking for or receiving feedback.

Enjoy. Then enjoy some more.

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Episode 25: Feedback, Stopping Business Growth, Convincing Vs Converting And More

Growth – What is one indicator that you should stop growing your business?

Keeping in touch – Is sending an email considered “keep in touch”? or does one need to meet another face-to-face to keep a strong relationship?

Facts – What is the best way to convince someone to accept a fact is true?

Defensive vs Understanding – What is your interpretation of the difference between being defensive and seeking to be understood?

Bonus – What advice would you give someone who has a tough time asking for/receiving feedback?


Stay Positive & Experience Trumps Facts And Figures


The Forgotten Market

There’s a huge market comprised of people who notice, who are patient, who are watching to see if you show up every day, and if you show up with a consistent passion and focus in your work.

Bernadette is likely the best-type of friend you can make if you’re a brand. She notices good work. She’s part of the forgotten market.

She’s part of the tortoise market, rather than the hare market.

Social has brought us to think we have to appeal to the hare market to succeed; we have to be first, we have to share the most information, we have to continuously thrash (which has it’s place), we have to spread ourselves out, but so much of the racing is to the bottom.

I get caught up in the race from time to time when doing work for clients. Rushing means missing out on thinking about things differently, which requires information to sit for a bit. Thrashing has its place, but only if that’s the market you want to live in.

Think about it, Bernadette would have never talked to the painter if he were racing each day to get the job done, if he had thrown the tarps on the ground instead of graciously laying them out.

You have the choice to be picky about who you appeal to, and I suggest you consider it because all of not only what you do, but how you do it is dictated by the market you’re communicating with.

One isn’t better than the other. It merely does you, your work, and your clients justice to consider what market you want to speak to.


Stay Positive & Each Market Is A Lifestyle, Not Just A Marketing Style

Seeking Clarity

I hear a lot of good ideas. (Yes, nearly everyone I meet I ask what they would work on if they had all the time and resources to make it happen.)

I see a lot of people quickly give up on their good ideas because when they communicated them, they didn’t communicate them clearly and got discouraged.

Certainly if you can’t communicate your idea, it’s not a good one, right?

You see where I’m going here.

We need to surround ourselves with people who don’t criticize our ideas, but point out the spaces which aren’t clear.

When people ask about your idea, (usually) they’re not trying to break you; they’re sharing their confusion with you.

When I ask a question to flush out someone’s idea and I know they can’t respond immediately, I say, “you don’t need to respond right now. Think about it differently and get back to me later.” Sadly, few understand clarity is something figured out over time.

For now, know you have permission to go back to the drawing board, you have permission to suck, you have permission to think about it a bit more.

For great (not just good!) ideas follow these steps:

1) share your ideas

2) listen to people’s confusion so you know what you need to clarify

3) break. think about things differently

4) share your idea again

5) repeat steps 2-5


Stay Positive & Please Don’t Get Held Up On Step 1