Making Old Jobs New

The unemployment rate is despicable. It’s not because more jobs aren’t being created, they are. It’s the fact that the new jobs are replicating the ones that have always been used.

If we want the unemployment rate to go down, if we want to do real, honest and passionate work, if we want to look forward to work (something that is necessary to want the unemployment rate down), then we need to make old jobs new, not make new old jobs.

Currently, a worker’s pay is based on compensation, of the hours put into work. What it needs to be based off of is creativity deliberation, not compensation. Simple terms: paid to go in and make a ruckus.

Through that ruckus, we see improvement, new development, a fresh way of thinking, creativity and above all, results that mean something, not just numbers on a financial statement.

That doesn’t mean you need a new job, a better job or a second job, it has nothing to do with making more jobs, it’s about transforming new ones out of the old ones. It’s about doing the ones we do now differently, creatively and passionately.

We’re all self-employed even if we have a job, that’s a given, but to leave it at just “self-employed” doesn’t do any good, it doesn’t call for an action, a direction to take. We’re all “self-employed artists“, capable to be original in our thought processes straight to the core of what we create in our jobs.

Through our artistry, we can change, improve and develop our jobs into something magnificent. Something worth waking up for each day. It is through this that we can discover new ways to do the job better, more efficiently, uniquely and to serve and benefit people even more.

Most importantly, this is the way we can end the idea of an unemployment rate.


Stay Positive & These Are The Jobs We Want In The USA

Garth E. Beyer

What Everyone Needs To Invest Their Time In

Evil Lumber

This picture is not beautiful, but it is art. In the post yesterday, I related that art is the product of beauty, meaning that making art does not make your work beautiful but making your art from beauty makes it art. Art is channeling that beauty through your creative senses (in this case, drawing). What is beauty though? Beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, most commonly arising from sensory manifestations (in this case, visual).

I’m an artist. We all are. I’m a really great drawing artist as well, even though my drawings can be pretty ugly. I mean, I tried drawing a friend one time while waiting in the airport and it was so bad that she wasn’t even mad, she pitied me. That feeling though, that mental stimulation that goes along with just creating something is why I draw. -actually, we should probably just call it doodling- That feeling is actually why I do anything I do. See, many people live by mottos such as “YOLO” or “Make the most of every moment” but could I, could anyone go wrong with “always create art”?

No matter how ugly it is, no matter how few people would care to look at it or how many would throw it away, to create art all day everyday takes a certain kind of person, it takes a beautiful person. A person who cares, a person who is passionate and a person who can find that intense pleasure in everything they do.

Stay Positive & Make More Art

Garth E. Beyer

Two Ideas About Art

1. Something beautiful doesn’t come from art, art is the product of something beautiful. Beauty gives birth to art. (You are beautiful)

2. Art is bigger than ourselves, a new world to venture out into. A much larger door that we must open?


Stay Positive & Dive Into Random Art From Time To Time

Garth E. Beyer

28 Lessons To Living The Successful Life Through Personal-Achievement Principles

Yes it’s a mouthful but it is the best description that I can give to the following 28 lessons. Enjoy.


1. Better results does not make a better plan. A better plan makes better results.

2. Happiness is meant to be designed. You create it, you sculpt it, you make it.

3. Discipline: without it there is no bridge from your goal to your accomplishments.

4. Success is sending yourself an invitation to grow, develop, move up, build more, create more, invest more, innovate more and raise above mediocrity.

5. Life works like a magnet, the more you put forth to your goals, the closer you get to the results you want, the harder you work at your dreams, the more force in which they pull you toward them, it gets easier. It always gets easier.

6. Learning is the beginning. Everything else will fall into place itself.

7. Things only change when you do.

8. There really are no destinations, only points in which you change direction again.

9. Be influenced by the successful. Peer pressure is necessary as long as it pushes us further toward our real potential.

10. Be influential. Peer pressure is necessary as long as it pushes someone further toward their real potential.

11. Remove “easy”, “simple”, and “effortless from your vocabulary. Also never make something a piece of cake, have it all or take nothing.

12. Try. Only when you don’t try, do you fail.

13. Answer this question, very clearly. What is the purpose of life?

14. Lead a tribe of as much inspired if not more willing people than yourself. Create an unbeatable alliance with others.

15. Create a new faith, a new religion, a new belief and call it “The YourName Faith/Religion”. This is the only way to destroy any limitations.

16. A good person runs a mile. A great person runs an extra mile. Only a legend keeps running long after the first, second, third, ninth mile. Always do more, always.

17. Make every part of your character visible.

18. Be Human.

19. Self-initiative, Self-resilience, Self-motivation, Self-assurance, Self-inspiration, Self-control, Self-discipline, Self-growth, everything begins with yourself. Want to be successful? Work on you harder than you work on your job.

20. Pursue an interest that makes you feel alive. Nothing radiates more positively to others than a personal keen interest in something, something you pour your passion into, something that if upon waking up at 2 am and asked what your muse is, you answer with it.

22. Combine accurate and imaginative thinking to create your art.

23. You won’t last without good health.

24. Not to mention exercise is the absolute greatest habit you can create to stimulate the positive senses.

25. Living in the moment is derived from the collection of experience you have had controlling, focusing and centering your attention on the positive, on the material that will help you produce results you care about and on the search for what you can learn from every moment.

26. Everything remarkable was the result of overcoming adversity. If you come face-to-face with adversity or even sometimes get defeated, you are on the right path. Nothing worthy comes easy.

27. Visualization doesn’t need to be done all at once. Visualization is something that is meant to be anointed to all the various positive thoughts that float through your mind every day.

28. Care


Stay Positive & Live The Successful Life

Garth E. Beyer

Time’s Product Of Passion

You know the concept that the busier you are the more you seem to fit in? It’s as if, the more you do the more time you have. Now can you imagine how much more time you would have if you were busy doing things creatively, with more value and even more passion?

Kind of makes the vacation time you are getting at your job now seem a bit short doesn’t it?


Stay Positive & Work Less, Passion More

Garth E. Beyer