The Quicker You Decide…

The Quicker You Decide…


the more time you will have.

The quicker you decide on a theme, the more time you will have to create article topics for it.

The quicker you decide on a name, the more time you will have to brand it.

The quicker you decide on a goal, the more time you have to work toward it.

And my personal favorite,

The quicker you decide, the more time you have to either roll in the success of the decision or the more time you will have to learn from the failure of it.


Stay Positive & What’s Taking You So Long?

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Coming To Terms

We all know what we need to do at any given time, during the rough patches and the smooth. No number of people we ask “what should I do” is going to help.

It’s the doing part that causes us to stop, makes us question what we are actually supposed to do, and search for the easy way out.

The thing about the doing is that it’s what you have to do. Not anyone else. You can question people what you should do all you want, but you can’t ask someone to do something only you can do.

The quicker you come to terms with it, the quicker you quit ignoring the action you need to take, the quicker you get in the habit of just doing what you need to do right away, the greater the acceleration of the quality of life you will have.


Stay Positive & The Only Direction Is Forward

Garth E. Beyer


W. Clement Stone, who built a hundred million dollar  insurance company empire, would make all his employees recite the phrase, “Do it now!” over and over at the start of each workday. W. Clement himself would repeat it fifty times each morning when he would wake up and fifty times before he would go to sleep. Go with Nike or go with Stone, whatever it is, Just Do It and Just Do It Now.

Select Motoraction

Once you decide:

You can live your life to the maximum, you can eliminate fear and fully succumb to every urge, every desire, every temptation. But there is a catch. (there always is)

Just because you can now go HUGE, not just big, in whatever you want, you still have a consistent choice to make.

Now that you will go all the way through, reach your highest potential, give it your all with whatever you do, what is it you’re going to do?

I call this Select Motoraction. It’s the choice each of us has to make. Your actions are now motorized, there is no hesitation, creation of a safety net or fear in anything you do. It’s a trait so few people have and even fewer people can handle because they don’t understand you have to be selective with it. You don’t have to be careful any longer, but you must still be smart. You can be as reckless and risk taking as you want, but you can’t be stupid about it. You have to be selective of your motoraction.

Living a full life is simple:

1. Decide to give it your all

2. Be selective of what you give your all


Stay Positive & Do The Two Step

Garth E. Beyer

Temporary Satisfaction

is a lot like cautious optimism.

Optimism is very one-sided, direct, a subjective view. But when you put the word “cautious” before it, you are tugging the true meaning in order to find balance, to play it safe.


Why seek balance, why settle for temporary, why try to make a net in case you fall? Why, when you can have complete optimism, complete satisfaction, complete certainty in your temptations, emotions, and attitude.

All it comes down to is your decision. And I never see anyone fail who says and lives the saying “Go BIG or go home”.


Stay Positive & Decide (and don’t look back)

Garth E. Beyer