How To Pitch Your Startup



Serial entrepreneur Steve Blank has a definition for a startup and for a company.

“A startup is a temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business model.”

“The corollary for a large company is: A company is a permanent organization designed to execute a repeatable and scalable business model.”

I tend to put my faith (and money) in startups who don’t bound themselves to the definition of a startup, that believe they will be more than just a startup. To always be a startup is to always be searching for that repeatable and scalable business model.

Better to say, “We’re a startup soon to be large company.”

It’s sexier, it’s packed with drive, not just busyness.


Stay Positive & That Is What You Want, Right?

Photo credit

What Do You Want To Do?

Answer that question in as few words as possible.

Do you want to surprise people?

Coordinate a dinner?

Save trees?

People may resonate with your work, but they will resonate much more if they know what your goal is.

Not to mention, people generally want to help you accomplish it. All work is a teamwork sort of thing as long as the team knows your goal.


Stay Positive & Go Share Your Story

Expecting Conversation

Expecting Conversation

Instagram Photo

I see a lot of social media posts and talk to others who create online content wondering why they are not getting any engagement, why no one is commenting on their Instagram photo or replying to any Tweets. My reply is two-fold.

Lack Of Communication

Those who see the blog post, the Instagram photo, the podcast, don’t know what they are supposed to do next. Amateurs – and I don’t mean it as an insult – simply state what they want the viewer to do. Some write “leave a comment in the comments section below” at the end of their blogpost or ask “please share this video with your friends” at the end of their YouTube bit. It works!

The more experienced communicators can craft the message in a way that asks the viewer to participate, to communicate in some way without asking straightforward. The wording, the voice, the structure matters, but takes hours of practice to get right.

Writing into a void is easy, writing to interact without requesting the interaction is di-fi-cult.

Take care how you craft your next message, when you write your next blog post, when you post an Instagram photo description. Be sure an objective viewer will know what you want them to do.

Lack Of Emotion

Simply stating, a lot of created social media content is safe. It’s banal. It’s all numbered, bolded, bulleted and smells like a PowerPoint.

If you’re not getting interaction (when interaction is what you want) you’re lacking emotion in your content. The Instagram photo isn’t moving enough, the YouTube channel doesn’t make the viewer feel like anything has changed after watching, the blog post doesn’t make the reader giddy to start something new.

The question to ask before you start anything, before you tweet, before you share a photo on FB: how do you want viewers to feel?

Just as important, the question to ask before you finish anything, before you hit send, before you upload: will the viewers feel what you want them to feel?


Stay Positive & Voice Matters

Photo credit: me

What’s Missing?

‘What’s missing?’ isn’t specific enough. The real question you’re looking for is ‘what connection is missing?’

You don’t lack ideas. You lack your connection with those who have them. Perhaps a special dinner is in order.

You don’t lack courage. You lack connections with those who dance with fear. Perhaps a summer seminar is in order.

You don’t lack resources, hope, business skills or a precondition for taking risks. You lack the connections.

I don’t believe in inabilities. You are the sum of all of your connections.


Stay Positive & Go Build Your Tribe And Tell Me Your Goal Still Can’t Be Achieved

How I Do It (personal)


About six months ago, someone really close to me asked me how I do all that I do?

That wasn’t the first time I was asked; almost anyone that cares enough to hear my story and ask what I’m up to ends up also asking me how I do all that I do.

And here is what I figured out this morning (six months after truly being asked how I do all that I do):

I am willing to invest my time in doing something that might not pay off.

That’s all it comes down to.

I used to be ignorant and think that people didn’t want to be successful, that they would come up with excuse after excuse to not become successful (including not knowing what success is to them).

Really it’s that they (you?) don’t want to invest the time in doing something that might not pay off. That scares the shit out of us.

So that’s how I do all that I do. And if you want a piece of advice on how to invest time in doing something that might not pay off? Decide that you want it more than you’re afraid of it failing.


Stay Positive & Hopefully Reading My Blog Will Help You Decide

Garth E. Beyer

I’m A Writer

Oh heavens above does this feel good. I’ve been writing or researching for my writings for nearly 10 hours now. It’s three hours from midnight and I am still going. This feeling of being what I have always wanted to be excites my emotions and makes me want to assist others in feeling the same. You ask what it takes, I say it takes time (clearly) and effort (even more clearly). You ask how? Well that is what I want to work with you on. Email me: