Seeking Clarity

I hear a lot of good ideas. (Yes, nearly everyone I meet I ask what they would work on if they had all the time and resources to make it happen.)

I see a lot of people quickly give up on their good ideas because when they communicated them, they didn’t communicate them clearly and got discouraged.

Certainly if you can’t communicate your idea, it’s not a good one, right?

You see where I’m going here.

We need to surround ourselves with people who don’t criticize our ideas, but point out the spaces which aren’t clear.

When people ask about your idea, (usually) they’re not trying to break you; they’re sharing their confusion with you.

When I ask a question to flush out someone’s idea and I know they can’t respond immediately, I say, “you don’t need to respond right now. Think about it differently and get back to me later.” Sadly, few understand clarity is something figured out over time.

For now, know you have permission to go back to the drawing board, you have permission to suck, you have permission to think about it a bit more.

For great (not just good!) ideas follow these steps:

1) share your ideas

2) listen to people’s confusion so you know what you need to clarify

3) break. think about things differently

4) share your idea again

5) repeat steps 2-5


Stay Positive & Please Don’t Get Held Up On Step 1

If You’re Not Going To Act On Your Great Idea

Share Your Great Idea

then please share it, give it away, put it out there for others to use.

You’re doing a disservice when you hold on to your idea for the right time, the right funding, the right medium. You’re holding everyone back when you keep your idea because you don’t want it to be stolen. You’re holding yourself back when you don’t do all of what you can right now.

If an idea doesn’t move you to constantly do all it takes to see it to fruition, then set it free.

A good idea that stays an idea and doesn’t connect with action, promotion, and care, is just dead weight.

I always look at it this way: tomorrow someone might do a google search, might be handed your name or email or web address, and when they look you up, they might read what you wrote, see what’s on your mind, and it might be just what they needed.

There’s a large chance putting your great idea out there won’t make an impact, no one will see it, and it will be lost out in the noise, but the risk of depriving someone who may need that idea tomorrow. I’m just not willing to take that risk.


Stay Positive & Make It Happen Or Let It Free

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Nothing Works. Really, It Does.

No post lined up for today.

No great ideas today either. Good ones, but not great.

So instead of writing about a good idea. I’m choosing nothing. Because when people expect great and all you have is good, nothing is a better choice.

There’s overselling (1), underselling (2) and not selling at all (3).

Now rank them in their importance to you.


Stay Positive & Nothing Isn’t Always Just Safe, Sometimes It’s Smart

Garth E. Beyer

Those Who Lack Great Ideas


As much as I believe that everyone can come up with great ideas, I do come across those that will tell me that they can’t. Instead of fighting with them and trying to convince them of what they already believe to be false, I side with them.

That doesn’t give them an excuse not to do anything.

If anything, it encourages even more action on their part.

My simple retort then is to find a business that you value, a model that you can see yourself implementing and then build that business in an area it has yet been built in. In essence, you’re taking a great idea and using it geographically elsewhere.

Sometimes I fall into the trap of believing that a restaurant in town that centers on entertaining the customers by allowing them to watch the chefs cooking and turning that into a show is the only restaurant that does that; that there are no other restaurants like that anywhere else.

This comes to the restaurant’s advantage – the belief of “the only one”.

However, after a moments thought, you and I both know there are more restaurants that carry this model of turning a dining experience into an entertaining experience, but that doesn’t make them less valuable.

This process works with any great idea, not just restaurant based ideas. Think of some product or service you love. Guaranteed you can find almost the save product or service elsewhere – not everywhere, but elsewhere.

Don’t wait to come up with a great idea. Others have already done that for you.


Stay Positive & Take A Great Idea And Bring It Back Home With You

Garth E. Beyer

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Worried About Your Idea Being Stolen?

A lot of people don’t follow through with an idea because they think others will just rip it off, essentially stealing it.

Aside from the fact that their idea was likely stolen from some other artist anyway, I’ve decided to write today with the intention of putting this worry of theft to rest.


A great idea never just happens. A great idea is a good idea actually executed, created, put to the test. Great ideas require a deep investment; both time and emotion. The myth is that great ideas are worth hanging on to.

They’re not.

If the market sees a great idea become a successful idea, then the market will naturally spit out artists that will attempt to mimic your great idea. Twitter became a success, and then dozens of other apps that run just like Twitter were developed.

Do you believe the founders of Twitter are still there running it? Think again.

They are off creating something else while the market is wasting its time and energy on replicating (stealing the idea) of a successful business to earn small profits off the laggards.

If you have a good idea, implement it and turn it into a great one without the worry of it being stolen because if it’s a great idea, it will.

And that goes to your advantage because you’re off developing the next great idea while everyone is trying to steal your first idea.

Having your idea stolen just means that you’re in the lead.


Stay Positive & Keep Creating

Garth E. Beyer

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The People We Run Into

I do my best to socialize with anyone around. From the results, I encourage the same to anyone wishing to get ahead in their field of interest.  2250191764_7f4cc4a6d5

You will be continuously amazed at how many great ideas people have. You will see how relatable a random person is to you. And, worth remembering, everyone wants (needs?) a bit of encouragement – you’ll be surprised how the people who know you least, encourage you the most.

Most importantly, though:

You never know when you can be there to help them.

You never know when they can be there to help you.


Stay Positive & Thankfully, People Are Everywhere

Garth E. Beyer

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