In The Box Podcast

Episode 35: Real Time Marketing, Trying Something New, Perception And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about the effectiveness of every brand getting into real-time marketing given how much of an uphill battle it is. We also heard from Michael one thing he suggests you try. Additionally, we chatted about if it matters how others perceive us, if experiences are earned, and getting angry at people for abusing your time.

This was a pretty fun podcast (yea, well, they all are). Enjoy.

Real Time Marketing – Should brands be trying to publish content in real-time?

Something new – What is one thing you suggest our 11 listeners to try?

Earned – Are experiences someone has earned / unearned?

Perceived – Does it matter how others perceive you?

Bonus – Do you have a right to be mad at someone for taking advantage of your time?


Stay Positive & Sometimes It Is More Questions Than Answers

In The Box Podcast

Episode 34: Clarifying Communication, FOMO, Smart Decisions And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we discussed if it’s smart to start a project by asking friends and family for money, one way to combat the fear of missing out, when the clarify something you’ve misspoken, what to do when you feel iffy about a decision, and a great bit on early state business pivoting.

Enjoy. Then… enjoy some more.

Episode 34: Clarifying Communication, FOMO, Smart Decisions And More

Funding – Do you think reaching out to family and friends to fund a project of yours is smart to start?

FOMO – What is one way to combat FOMO?

Misspoke – When is it necessary to clear up something you misstated?

Information Overload – One tip on making a decision with the info you have and not feeling like your info is inadequate?

Bonus – Best advice for a business attempting to pivot in their early stages?


Stay Positive & Pivot Then Stick With It

In The Box Podcast

Episode 33: Alone Time, Fear Of Commitment, Acting As If And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about Garth Time and Michael Time, how the heck we combat the fear of commitment, one way to start practicing what you preach, the benefits and potential consequences of acting as if, and lastly, one quality Michael cares most about if he were hiring.

Episode 33: Alone Time, Fear Of Commitment, Acting As If And More

Alone time – How important is alone time?

Commitment – What is one way to overcome the fear of commitment?

Practice what you preach – Best technique to practice what you preach?

Acting As If – What do you think about the idea of acting as if you are ______?

Bonus – You’re the boss. What quality would you look for most in a candidate?


Stay Positive & Listen On

In The Box Podcast

Episode 31: Management Advice, Meeting People, Team Vision And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we ended up with a lot more questions than answers. You can download the episode here and listen to us talk about giving advice to management, meeting people within their own worldview, how much it matters that your team sees a project the same way as you, the importance of showcasing business culture, and ebbs and flows of life.

Episode 31: Management Advice, Meeting People, Team Vision And More

Ebb and Flows Of Life – Do you think you’re the only one who has trouble with figuring out life? or that your problems are unique to you and others won’t understand?

Management – What’s one thing that you would tell the management of the world?

Meet People – Best way to meet people where they are at?

Vision – How much does it matter if others on your team don’t agree with your vision for a project?

Bonus – Does a business’ culture matter to consumers/clients? Is it worth showcasing the culture?


Stay Positive & Sometimes No Answer Is As Enlightening As Having One

In The Box Podcast

Episode 29: Connecting To Consumers, Sources Of Disruption, Taxi Cabs And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about if social promotions can work without a real-life element to them, where disruption comes from (in or out) of an industry, a technique for closing a communication gap, on way to connect with a consumer and a riff on the pointless existence of taxi cabs.

Enjoy listening here.

Episode 29: Connecting To Consumers, Sources Of Disruption, Taxi Cabs And More

Connection: What’s one way to connect with a consumer?

Social media: Do you think a social promotion can work without a real-life connection?

Disruption: Does disruption come from inside an industry or outside of an industry?

Closing a gap: One technique to close a communication gap when talking to someone and there is a misunderstanding?

Bonus: Why do taxi cabs still exist?


Stay Positive & Maybe Connecting Comes From Closing The Gap

In The Box Podcast

Episode 28: Team Trouble, Leadership, Memory And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about the point of reflecting on memories, how to address a team member who is doing something that bothers you, leaders playing bad cop, what one makes art special and knowing the best timing for a decision.

Enjoy the episode and remember to download on iTunes here.

Episode 28: Team Trouble, Leadership, Memory And More

Memory – How much emphasis do you place on reflecting on memories from the past?

Team – One trick to addressing a team member / co worker who is doing something that bothers you?

Leadership – Do you think leaders ought to ever play bad cop?

Art – What is one thing that makes something art?

Bonus – One method to recognize when the timing is right for making an important decision?


Stay Positive & Now Now Now

In The Box Podcast

Episode 27: Getting The Credit, Supporting Someone’s Passion, Giving Gifts And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we chatted about being okay with someone else getting the credit for something you may have had a major influence on, what makes a goal a “good” goal, the best way to support someone else’s passion, some things to consider when receiving a gift, and whether it’s better to read fiction or non-fiction.

Enjoy. You can download and listen on iTunes here.

Episode 27: Getting The Credit, Supporting Someone’s Passion, Giving Gifts And More

Credit – Is it okay with you if someone else gets the credit?

Goal – What is one thing that makes a goal a good goal?

Support – What is the best way to support someone else’s passion?

Receiving – What is one (best) way to learn to receive gifts from others?

Bonus – Is it better to read fiction or non-fiction?


Stay Positive & Fiction/Non-Fiction Blend It Is, Right?