In The Box Podcast

Episode 19: Interpretation, Delight, Place Of Anger And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about the concept of forgive and forgetting. We also chatted about handling situations where someone interprets a situation differently than you, why it’s hard for businesses to delight customers, what it means to be a professional and if it’s possible to do good work when you’re angry.

Download our podcast here.

Forgiveness – Forgive and forget?

Interpretation – How do you handle a situation where someone interprets something completely differently than you?

Delight – Why is it so hard for businesses to delight customers?

Expert/Pro – What does it mean to be a professional or to go pro?

A place of anger – Do you find you do good work when you’re angry, fed up or frustrated?


Stay Positive & Focus On The Passion

In The Box Podcast

Episode 18: Response Rates, Honesty, Opinions Of Others And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about Facebook’s new response rate tracking, how long we should keep trying before giving up, if it’s best to always tell the truth, how to share unfavorable opinions with others, and how to move on from things that didn’t go our way.

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Episode 18: Response Rates, Honesty, Opinions Of Others And More

Response rates – How fast do you expect to get a response when you tweet or Facebook a complaint?

Attempt Length – How long do you keep trying before you try something else or give up?

Honesty – Is it good to ALWAYS tell the truth?

Opinion of others – Is it worth it to share your opinions of others if it is not a favorable one?

Moving on – How do you move on from things that didn’t go your way?


Stay Positive & Try Until You Can’t

In The Box Podcast

Episode 17: Team Building Failure, Brand vs. Customer Voice, Self-Reliance And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we wrapped up our thoughts on luck, talked about why most startups fail, the difference between responding and reacting, and how much self-reliance is too much.

We also explored the idea of changing a brand voice to suit the voice of a publication one is pitching to and why many groups fall apart.

Give it a listen on itunes and subscribe.

Episode 17: Team Building Failure, Brand vs. Customer Voice, Self-Reliance And More

Luck – Trust that things will always work out.

Startups – Why do you think most startups fail?

Team building failure – Do many groups fall apart because of poor character dynamics or because the purpose of the group isn’t strong enough?

Brand vs Customer Voice – To get a publication or blogger to cover your business, should you choose your brand voice to fit their style or should you forget them and only seek out those who either speak or value your brand voice even if it doesn’t resonate with their own?

Respond vs react – How do you differentiate between responding and reacting?

Self-reliance – Is there such a thing as too much self-reliance?


Stay Positive & Is Your Purpose Clear?

In The Box Podcast

Episode 16: Luck, Being Early, False Equivalency And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we discussed the concept of luck, the need to experience something to passionately sell it, whether life mirrors business or if it’s the other way around. We also talked about the advantages of being early and argued about false equivalency (fortunately never settling to agree to disagree).

On an earlier podcast Michael and I chatted about how so little surprises us anymore. On this podcast Michael stuck a check-up question about surprises in the box. It was a good time. Well worth the listen.

Episode 16: Luck, Being Early, False Equivalency And More

Selling – Does one have to experience a product themselves to sell it passionately?

Luck – Is luck something that finds you randomly or something you create?

Early – Do you believe it pays to be early? (early to a meeting, early to send email, early to say I love you?)

Surprises – Been surprised by anything lately?

False equivalency – How can we eliminate false equivalency?

Mirror – Does life mirror business?


Stay Positive & Refresh Your Life, Refresh Your Business


In The Box Podcast

Episode 15: Coincidences, Reaction Time, Life Of A Social Platform And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we talked about the significance of coincidences, if we should fear artificial intelligence, and the three options you have when you notice you’re afraid.

You’ll also hear us touch on the life cycle of social platforms (how they all turn into a platform for purchasing), the advantages people who aren’t born into a creative family have, and a confusing bit about fate, destiny and LeBron James.

Worth listening. Worth subscribing.

Episode 15: Coincidences, Reaction Time, Life Of A Social Platform And More

Reaction time – How long does it take you to do something you’re afraid of?

Life of a social platform – Will every social platform turn into a platform for purchasing?

Coincidence – Do you place any significance on coincidences?

Computers – Should we be concerned with artificial intelligence?

Fate – Do you believe in fate and or destiny?

Born into creativity – Is there something people who aren’t born into artistic families have that those who are don’t?


Stay Positive & Address Fear Then Dance With It


In The Box Podcast

Episode 14: Systematic, Free time, Online Shopping And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we answered the question whether there is such a thing as a dumb question, if we thought we had more free time now than 10 years ago and what is special about dust. Weird, I know, but there is a reason.

When you listen, you’ll also hear us discuss how to present information to people you know who will disagree with you, how to go from a want/should to a will/do, and quite a lot about online shopping.

Episode 14: Systematic, Free time, Online Shopping And More

Asking questions – Is there such a thing as a stupid/dumb question?

Free time – Do you think we have more free time now then we did 10 yrs ago?

Information – what is the best way to present info to folks who disagree with you?

Systematic – How do you go from a want/should to a will/do?

Online shopping – is online shopping worth it?

Dust – What is something special about dust, what gets you excited about dust?


Stay Positive & Subscribe If You Haven’t Yet

In The Box Podcast

Episode 13: Mistakes, Habits, Disorder And More – Podcast

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we explored how to process mistakes, being in front of a PR (crisis) story and how to handle disorder. We also talked about a daily habit that gets us energized for the day, if less is really more, and a tad about superstitions, which turned into a discussion about Parkinson’s Law.

If you’re digging the topics, don’t forget to subscribe.

Episode 13: Mistakes, Habits, Disorder And More

Superstitions – Do you believe in any superstitions?

Less – Is less really more?

Habits – What is one habit you’ve developed that is critical to your daily success or energy for taking on the day?

Mistakes – How do you process mistakes?

In Front – How important in PR is it to be in front of a story vs. letting things develop and then responding?

Disorder – How do you handle the role of disorder in your own life?


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