In The Box Podcast

Episode 34: Clarifying Communication, FOMO, Smart Decisions And More (Podcast)

On this episode of In The Box Podcast, we discussed if it’s smart to start a project by asking friends and family for money, one way to combat the fear of missing out, when the clarify something you’ve misspoken, what to do when you feel iffy about a decision, and a great bit on early state business pivoting.

Enjoy. Then… enjoy some more.

Episode 34: Clarifying Communication, FOMO, Smart Decisions And More

Funding – Do you think reaching out to family and friends to fund a project of yours is smart to start?

FOMO – What is one way to combat FOMO?

Misspoke – When is it necessary to clear up something you misstated?

Information Overload – One tip on making a decision with the info you have and not feeling like your info is inadequate?

Bonus – Best advice for a business attempting to pivot in their early stages?


Stay Positive & Pivot Then Stick With It