It Doesn’t Hurt

There’s a three-day, $250+ writing institute conference next month in Madison, Wis. I decided I wouldn’t go at that price. But I am going to the conference.

What? Yup. You read that right. I’m going. I’m also not paying $250+ for it. I’m paying $25. How? Simple.

I sent the conference coordinator a three sentence email stating it’s a shame certain people who would benefit from a conference like this cannot attend because of the price. Essentially I asked if she could give me a lower price without asking precisely that. Instead, I gave her a reason to charge someone a lower price.*

It doesn’t hurt to ask if you can get an extra, get a discount, get a letter of recommendation, get a raise, get a treat, get anything.


Stay Positive & If You’re In The Madison Area, I Hope To See You There

*I stated I could pay $60. She still only charged me $25. Gotta love how things work out when you ask.