Too Much Intake Pt. 1

There was a time that I was information-crunching. I was spending every moment of the day taking in information, knowledge, lessons, and Ted talks. I was underlining, highlighting, and dog-earing pages. I was recording, bookmarking, and clipping. This went on for about a week and a half. Constant intake.

Then I felt I reached my limit and it was time for output. However, by then half of what I read, I forgot. All the soundbites I collected, well, it was hard to build on a perfect statement. Some of the passages I highlighted, I had no clue why I highlighted them. And of course, the scribbles in the spines, I couldn’t even read them.

There was once a time that you took in all you could, perhaps before you started writing a paper for one of your classes. Once you read up on everything, only then did you have the OK to go.

No more.

Intake and output is a daily balance, no longer is it weekly, monthly, or yearly. Becoming successful in any part of your industry is about balancing the amount of intake and output each day.


Stay Positive & It’s A Daily Thing (Learn → Apply)

Garth E. Beyer

The Self-Checkup

Why do we need to go to the doctor?

Why do we need to see a psychologist?

Why do we need to visit an advisor?

Have you gone to the dentist and they ask you questions like, “how often do you floss?”, “do you feel any discomfort?”, “what toothpaste do you use?”

Why not simply ask yourself the questions you know the professionals will ask you. (And answer them yourself too?) For all answers that you can’t find on the internet, let it be a challenge for you to find the answer.

Ask yourself the hard questions too. The deep questions. The questions that would make you open up, but this time, to yourself.

To be straight forward with my underlying point, asking and answering questions to yourself is to set yourself up to always answer questions other people ask. There are hundreds of truly phenomenal and interesting questions that we are asked, but we never answer them because we feel they are somewhat rhetorical.

What do you want?

What impact do you want to make?

What will be your legend?

How are you going to get there?

What are you truly grateful for? (recommend asking daily)

What help do you need?

Most commonly found in speeches, the questions go ignored. We continue to listen to the point of the question, never to find it. To find the answer, we have to search ourselves, we have to provide the answer.

Next time you get asked a question that you sort of think is rhetorical. Answer it. Invest the time to think it through. Only then will you realize the impact and importance of not only asking the question (to yourself and to others), but to answering it.


Stay Positive & Answer Away

Garth E. Beyer

Until You Stumble

Keep on going and you will stumble on to something remarkable. Notice how I didn’t say that you will find a treasure chest. Notice how I didn’t say you would stop in front of and look up at your reward. Notice how I didn’t say that you would meet your goal face-to-face. No.

We race so quickly to our goals, that when we fall, we never notice the X on the ground. We get back up and keep racing, leaving whatever reward (which often comes in the form of a lesson – at least at the early stages -) on the ground.


Stay Positive & Look Where You Stumble Before You Get Going Again

Garth E. Beyer

A Tip Or Two About Asking Questions

Why is it that people refuse to ask questions unless they are reallllly good questions. (Yes, this post also applies to yesterdays post: asking for help)

Moreover, why is it that people refuse to think hard enough until they come up with a realllly good question.

Questions do much more than receive answers, they open doors – millions of them – and opportunities too.

The quickest way to get someone (professor, step-family, good-looking person sitting by you) to know and remember your name, ask them a question. The quickest way to an answer, to the solution of a problem, ask questions. The quickest way to learning what you need to know to get what you want … you guessed it, ask a question.

Rarely in life is “the quickest way” ever “the best way.”

But when it comes to asking questions, it is.


Stay Positive & Ask Away To Your Goals

Garth E. Beyer

Enjoying The Journey

Have you tried non-resistance?

It’s much like the old simile of water flowing down the river. The water doesn’t force itself to try to push the rocks out of its way. The water simply flows.

I don’t like it. Those who live by the motto, “go with the flow,” aren’t living life. It’s a tacky way of going about. These are the people who fail to realize something massively important about living, loving, and learning.

You can live stronger, wilder, free-er, love more passionately, more intimately, more loyally,  and learn differently, zen-ly, interestingly when you are lost and confused than when you know where you are and want to be, when you’re single or even broken-hearted than when you’re on a date or moments away from asking your special one to marry you, when you’re broken and failing than when your right on track.

The only determination whether what you’re going through is a better lesson than what you would rather be going through is you. And the only decision you have to make is to be non-resistant.


Stay Positive & Learn From The River: Rifts, Waves, Stillness, And All

Garth E. Beyer