A Blend Of Information

A statement that is true can be interpreted by someone else in a different (and sometimes wrong) way.

Expose yourself to a variety of sources of information to find the truth.

If anything, at least view one piece of information that challenges your beliefs and one that agrees with them. 2-3 sources of information will always put you ahead.

There is bland information. And then there is blended information.

You can guess which tastes better.


I understand that you may learn a skill or lesson one day from conquering adversity, but if you don’t review it or put it into further action, it disappears after seven days (or less). As a result of this understanding, I highly encourage you to bookmark the home page, come back and read my new posts and review the archives. Unlike other blogs, I came out swinging since day one and will never write a “filler” post that fails to reach the level of impression that I deem acceptable.

On the note of adversity, Marvin Ashton was known for stating,

Adversity will surface in every life. How we meet it makes the difference.”

Adversities are a part of living and we choose the way we react to each adversity in our lives. I would be the last to deny that adversities can be exceedingly difficult. Many times they will be senseless, unfair, painful, and beyond our control to prevent. However, they come into our lives for a reason. We can choose to learn valuable lessons from each adversity we encounter.

The true purpose of GarthBox:

To turn you on with life lessons, Give you a constant dose of motivation to make a ruckus, Bring you closer to success and quite simply to make you aware of all the tools and power you are already equipped with.

And of course to get you to use that power.


Stay Positive & Follow

Garth E. Beyer

The Not-So-Simple Simple Process Of Becoming An Expert

Step 0: Choose what you want to become an expert in.

Step 1: Learn about it to the point you don’t make mistakes.*
Step 2. Do things adequately.
Step 3. Follow your intuition.

After step two is complete – you’re mediocre and work has become more a routine than anything – is when almost everyone gets stuck. They get comfortable with meeting standards and not pushing any buttons for improvement. But there is no art in doing something right. The art is in doing something better than it was done before. Art follows passion and passion follows intuition which hopefully you follow. That is how you become an expert.

* No. I hope it’s obvious that I don’t actually mean that you don’t make any mistakes at all. However, there is a point in every position of your career path where you make little to no mistakes. This point arrives when you learn nearly all you can.


Stay Positive & If You Stop Being Surprised At Work, You’re Stuck

Garth E. Beyer

“It’s Too Hard To Learn”

In school you learn through memorization. In life you learn through experience.

In both though, life and school, everyone finds themselves muttering from time to time that “it’s just too hard to learn,” and so you don’t pursue it.

Everyone – even myself, who is advocating something important here – forgets that learning is about making mistakes, being wrong, asking stupid questions, and getting a “D”.

There is only one exception to this rule: when you say “it’s too hard to learn,” you are wrong and you learn nothing from it.


Let’s grow, learn, and progress in life together and someday we can laugh at the irony of being such a success from so many failures.


Stay Positive & Cheers To Those Who Will Go Straight For Attempting The Impossible

Garth E. Beyer

A Writer Needs To Be Wrong

I want to be wrong.


So often writers and people in general second guess everything, especially what they write. They then cross it out, erase it, work around it or completely rewrite it. After you do this for so long, you eventually just handle the process in your head without realizing it. You begin to think of every word, sentence, and part of grammar before you write it.

–R.I.P Paragraph that I wrote and erased–

Now it may be safe, but it’s not healthy for a writer to do so. It disconnects you from a flow of writing which is much more important than the flow of thinking. – In which case that would make you a philosopher, not a writer –

Moreover, you would surely agree that writers learn from their mistakes and though they may still make them in their minds, they are not acknowledging them, learning from them or are able to look back at them and see where the mind strayed off track.

The ability to not only learn from mistakes, but actually play with them, develop with them and write with them allows the writer to explore purity. I say purity because everything that you have ignored, every angle you avoided writing from, every idea that you felt went off the story line has never been touched or tampered with and so it remains pure.

After you write for some time, you will learn that what most people want to read is pure writing and to find pure writing, you have to do the manual labor of writing on ideas that you would normally and subconsciously cross out or erase.

I always say, if hair on your chest makes you a man, scribbles and crossed out words makes you a writer.


Stay Positive & Purity In Writing Is Unlimited

Garth E. Beyer

28 Lessons To Living The Successful Life Through Personal-Achievement Principles

Yes it’s a mouthful but it is the best description that I can give to the following 28 lessons. Enjoy.


1. Better results does not make a better plan. A better plan makes better results.

2. Happiness is meant to be designed. You create it, you sculpt it, you make it.

3. Discipline: without it there is no bridge from your goal to your accomplishments.

4. Success is sending yourself an invitation to grow, develop, move up, build more, create more, invest more, innovate more and raise above mediocrity.

5. Life works like a magnet, the more you put forth to your goals, the closer you get to the results you want, the harder you work at your dreams, the more force in which they pull you toward them, it gets easier. It always gets easier.

6. Learning is the beginning. Everything else will fall into place itself.

7. Things only change when you do.

8. There really are no destinations, only points in which you change direction again.

9. Be influenced by the successful. Peer pressure is necessary as long as it pushes us further toward our real potential.

10. Be influential. Peer pressure is necessary as long as it pushes someone further toward their real potential.

11. Remove “easy”, “simple”, and “effortless from your vocabulary. Also never make something a piece of cake, have it all or take nothing.

12. Try. Only when you don’t try, do you fail.

13. Answer this question, very clearly. What is the purpose of life?

14. Lead a tribe of as much inspired if not more willing people than yourself. Create an unbeatable alliance with others.

15. Create a new faith, a new religion, a new belief and call it “The YourName Faith/Religion”. This is the only way to destroy any limitations.

16. A good person runs a mile. A great person runs an extra mile. Only a legend keeps running long after the first, second, third, ninth mile. Always do more, always.

17. Make every part of your character visible.

18. Be Human.

19. Self-initiative, Self-resilience, Self-motivation, Self-assurance, Self-inspiration, Self-control, Self-discipline, Self-growth, everything begins with yourself. Want to be successful? Work on you harder than you work on your job.

20. Pursue an interest that makes you feel alive. Nothing radiates more positively to others than a personal keen interest in something, something you pour your passion into, something that if upon waking up at 2 am and asked what your muse is, you answer with it.

22. Combine accurate and imaginative thinking to create your art.

23. You won’t last without good health.

24. Not to mention exercise is the absolute greatest habit you can create to stimulate the positive senses.

25. Living in the moment is derived from the collection of experience you have had controlling, focusing and centering your attention on the positive, on the material that will help you produce results you care about and on the search for what you can learn from every moment.

26. Everything remarkable was the result of overcoming adversity. If you come face-to-face with adversity or even sometimes get defeated, you are on the right path. Nothing worthy comes easy.

27. Visualization doesn’t need to be done all at once. Visualization is something that is meant to be anointed to all the various positive thoughts that float through your mind every day.

28. Care


Stay Positive & Live The Successful Life

Garth E. Beyer