How Thoughts Become Things

Have you ever thought of a song you wanted to listen to and then you turned on the radio or Pandora and the song was on? It’s an example of the incredible power your mind has on the universe.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

But let’s put this in prospective.

Yes, as human beings with brains, we are powerful. We may not have complete control over our future, but we have a lot of control, especially with our thoughts. Have you realized though, that the song you wanted to listen to, is a song that would be played on that station regardless if you thought of it or not?

The song wasn’t playing by only chance or because of what you believe, becomes. You would never hear a heavy Metallica song – no matter how much you thought about it – if you only ever had on an old country radio station.

It’s true that we have control of our thoughts and our thoughts have a certain degree of control on what is created in our life. Let’s apply this to something beside music.

It is extremely unlikely that you will become an artist if you never put yourself in the position of an artist, no matter how much you think about it. Taking this even further, you won’t become a famous artist – that you imagine daily being – if all you ever do is paint and stick your work in the closet. The possibility of someone from the art museum ending up in your closet is pretty low.

We can think about what we want as much as we want, we can visualize, we can imagine the life we want. We can do all of that. But none of it will exist unless we step in the box that makes what we want, able to occur.

Have a song you want to listen to? Put on a radio station that is likely to play it.

Want to become an artist? Put yourself (and your work!) where people can see it.

Want anything? Go to where you can be handed it.


Stay Positive & Thoughts Require Movement

Garth E. Beyer

Poetry Night 010


There is a lighthouse in my head.

It remains altruistic.

Gratitude is billowing about the edges.


My light is hope to others.

Hope in the future.

Putting power in the present.


Navigation is a prospective.

The light emitted is purely a lens.

Hazards become vanquished,

Before the world ends.



Tourists flock my mind,

Operating to each and all.

Their voice, my preservation,

“I’m a lighthouse. It’s your call”


A rather functional location,

providing needed external support.

For all of you I am maintained,

You are my resource.



Fear not the unconscious rocks of despair,

They are the beacons of a challenge,

Come to me, the light in the air,

Let your thoughts control your resilience.


Stay Positive and In The Range Of My Light

Garth E. Beyer