How Do Will Do


There’s something special to the people with “will do!” attitudes. They’re often the ones to lead, to take on more than they can handle, and the ones to have long “to-do” lists (and an equally long “done” list). These narcissists state they will do something: they will fix it, they will improve it, they will increase sales, profits, referrals.

Yes, these types of people have a stigma, many being given the title of Millennial.

I care to dissipate the stigma. There is one short way to removing this societal blemish, and it’s to change the way you think.

Instead of “will do!” attitudes, revert back to the “can I do?” attitudes.

To ask is to observe, to analysis, and to consider all possibilities. “Can I do?” attitudes are open-minded. Asking if you can accomplish something allows you to explore, whereas stating that you will do something and then just doing it prevents experimentation and above all, feedback.

Once it is done, you can check it off. But those who have “can I do?” attitudes ask themselves if they can do better once they accomplish what they set off to do.

The beauty of it all is that you can carry over the motivation, the determination, and the tenacity that “will do!” attitudes have into the “can I do?” attitude.

Just start asking yourself if you can complete something instead of stating you will.


Stay Positive & A Little Self Actually Helps

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit


What do you have on the inside? What’s in style? What’s in store?

The answers are out there. I mean that literally and figuratively speaking.


The outsiders are the new insiders. In fact, one could go so far as to say that insiders now seek to reflect the trends being created by the outsiders. The outsiders, who are the handlers of grit, gumption, and creative genius, are creating art from the heart.

They are playing with the available tools and blowing raspberries at fear, failure, and malfunction.Outsiders are taking over in all mediums of art.

When you ask an expert what’s new in their industry (any industry!) they’re going to tell you what some person or team recently created, something previously unimagined, something… weird.

Like Sarah Boxer says in the Atlantic, “Out is the new in.”


Stay Positive & Now That You’re In Cahootz, What Will You Create Next?

Garth E. Beyer

Photo credit


Garth’s 10 Habits To Success

1. Write when you don’t want to.

2. Exercise when you don’t want to.

3. Show people you love them when you don’t want to.

4. Give more when you don’t want to.

5. Try it when you don’t want to.

6. Be positive with your attitude, confident with your actions, and courageous with your risk taking when you don’t want to.

7. Care more than anyone else around you, especially when you don’t want to.

8. Search for new ways to add to your passion when you don’t want to. Don’t get stuck with your ways.

9. Step forward, step up, and stand out when you don’t want to.

10. Want to. Even when you don’t want to.


Stay Positive & Off To Success You Go

Garth E. Beyer

Get Psyched!

I have a Get Psyched playlist for my workouts.

Barney has a Get Psyched mix for, well, getting psyched.

What about a Get Psyched mix for overall work, life, and self-improvement?


I’ll be going on a trip this Friday and will be #unplugged for 14 days. (Don’t worry, I’ve written like crazy to schedule posts for the days I will be unplugged.) While I get everything in order for my time away, I will be listening to a countless number of motivational speeches and discussions.

I remember the first Zig Ziglar talk I listened to on a Podcast at work two years ago. Heck, he’s still there on the front page! It changed my life for the better the best.

After I listened to all the Zig Ziglar that I could freely get my hands on, I bought a couple of discs. Then I listened to those until I knew what word he would say next. After nearly memorizing the seminars, naturally, I stopped listening to them. That’s when my life rocketed toward everything I wished it would be. It still amazes me just thinking about it.

Now I’m shooting to do the same with this trip. Loading up with motivational fuel, getting psyched, then cutting myself off. We’ll see what happens.

Without the need to be unplugged, I encourage you to do that same. You can download Spotify (much like Pandora, sure you’ve heard of that) and search for Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and all the other great motivational speakers. From there, it’s simple: listen.

You don’t need to spend hundreds, or in the case of some of Brian Tracy’s work, thousands, to Get Psyched for personal growth. Yes, Spotify is free.

What makes me happy is knowing how little Zig would care that we can now listen to him talk for free. Let’s show him what we got.


Stay Positive & Get Psyched

Garth E. Beyer


I understand that you may learn a skill or lesson one day from conquering adversity, but if you don’t review it or put it into further action, it disappears after seven days (or less). As a result of this understanding, I highly encourage you to bookmark the home page, come back and read my new posts and review the archives. Unlike other blogs, I came out swinging since day one and will never write a “filler” post that fails to reach the level of impression that I deem acceptable.

On the note of adversity, Marvin Ashton was known for stating,

Adversity will surface in every life. How we meet it makes the difference.”

Adversities are a part of living and we choose the way we react to each adversity in our lives. I would be the last to deny that adversities can be exceedingly difficult. Many times they will be senseless, unfair, painful, and beyond our control to prevent. However, they come into our lives for a reason. We can choose to learn valuable lessons from each adversity we encounter.

The true purpose of GarthBox:

To turn you on with life lessons, Give you a constant dose of motivation to make a ruckus, Bring you closer to success and quite simply to make you aware of all the tools and power you are already equipped with.

And of course to get you to use that power.


Stay Positive & Follow

Garth E. Beyer

A Bit Of My Purpose If You Don’t Already Know


My life purpose isn’t about connecting with like-minded people.

It’s to be there for those who aren’t. To show them there are good people in the world; there are people who truly care about them; that they need to raise the bar higher; that they can always be happier; to never settle.

There is a saying, “who you surround yourself with, you become.” Most motivators take it seriously. They repel the downers or the unnaturally lazy people in their lives and only make room for “people who matter.”

How do you expect to make an impact on people’s lives if that’s all you do? All you surround yourself with? Hanging with only motivated people will make you a motivated person, but that doesn’t mean you have become a motivating person.

There’s a big difference between being motivated and being motivating.


Stay Positive & Just So You Know Which One I Am (and which one you are..)

Garth E. Beyer

You’re Inadequate

Cool. Me too. Friends?

First of all, what right does anyone have to call you inadequate? I suppose that doesn’t matter though, once we feel it, we feel it.

Secondly, if you’re into all the motivational pish-posh (Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, and about a billion bloggers), than you’re guilty of feeling inadequate. How can you not when you hear of stories about people doing more than you can ever dream of? How can you not when you catch yourself wasting time away on the couch or falling victim to the worst time-killer at large, waiting.

A lot of people can’t handle feeling inadequate, so they don’t listen to any inspirational tapes, read any encouraging novels, or watch any motivational speeches. The bad isn’t on their end, it’s on the motivators end because the goal of motivation is to making someone feel inadequate enough to improve.

It’s that nudge your coach gives you when he says, “Good job, but you can hit harder next time. I want to see that,” or when you finally read something in a magazine that you actually do, whether it’s making a holiday cupcake or creating a gratitude journal. The success of motivation is action, but you can’t just tell someone to hit harder, make a cupcake, or write in a journal.

Next time you listen/read/watch a motivational person, try not to focus so much on how they make you feel inadequate. Focus more on the how of it all, the actions you can make, the steps to take.


Stay Positive & Then Take Them

Garth E. Beyer