Two Of The Biggest Reasons You Stay Stuck

Get Unstuck

Two of the biggest reasons you stay stuck and don’t do anything is fear of inadequacy and fear of failure.

You may be good at many things, but a master of none. No matter what you do, it won’t be good enough. Have you felt this before?

Failure can suck too, but that is a mindset one has about failure.

Ask someone who has never failed before and they will say failure is terrible, just absolutely terrible. Ask someone who has failed plenty of times, me for instance, and I will say failure is necessary, it’s a stepping stone, and… I’m alive.

Staying stuck is a choice. Being afraid is a dance. You can’t stay stuck if you’re moving, can’t stay stuck if you’re dancing with the fear that pursues you.


Stay Positive & People Die Standing Still

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A Reminder To Move

You’re feeling down. You’re feeling behind. You’re feeling unready.

The best medicine is to move. It doesn’t quite matter where you are going or what you are doing, so long as it’s something. Go make a sandwich, go to the bookstore,  move somewhere. You don’t need a reason for it or a mission. Just move.

Sometimes it starts with putting on shoes.


Stay Positive & Success Follows You

Garth E. Beyer