What A Real Impresario Needs

Balancing Impresario

It’s an odd feeling when someone tells me that they have my back because half of what I do I do to show one person can do it, that you don’t need a safety net, that one doing risky work doesn’t need someone to have their back.

What every impresario needs is not the hearing that someone will pick up the ball if they drop it, nor is it the knowing someone has their back; it’s the feeling of it all. The feeling someone is there to back you up, catch you if you fall.

Don’t tell your impresario friends you’re there if they fail. Make them feel you’re there by supporting their forward direction, appreciating their work, asking them questions that help them challenge their lizard brain thoughts.

Support is a funny thing. You don’t need an impresario to fail and fall to show your support. Giving them motivation to keep building their momentum – that’s the support impresarios need, that’s the trust that makes them continue doing work that matters.

The way an impresario sees it is this: they feel you’ve got their back when they see, hear, and feel you’ve got their front.

In the world of art, moving forward is so much more important and so much more difficult than dusting shoulders off and getting up after falling down.

Show you’re there to help forward movement and any impresario will feel you’re there to have their back, because, really, that’s the easier of the two, the safer of the two.

If your there in the front helping them do the work that matters, there’s no reason you wouldn’t be there if things were to go south.


Stay Positive & The Quickest Way To Become An Impresario Is To Support One

p.s. if you’re an impresario yourself, share this post with friends. they may need to read it more than you

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There Is Always Evidence

A lot of us wait to see evidence that our actions are making the impact that we want, that our decisions were right ones, that we’re on the best path.

Self-acknowledgment is motivating, but it’s also self-defeating. We take an action and then wait, we stand still, we let fate take it from there until we see results.

While were waiting, the world keeps spinning – spinning other things than just the results were hoping for.

There are other opportunities out there. Don’t miss one because you’re waiting for the outcome of one you took earlier.

And you can always take solace in the fact that there is always evidence that what you want just might happen. I mean, after all, isn’t taking the lead of an opportunity evidence enough that you’ll get what you want.

People die standing still.


Stay Positive & Success Isn’t Judged By Results, It’s Measured By Movement

Garth E. Beyer