Driven By A Core Tribe

All of your idols have a core tribe.

It’s easy to distance yourself from their popularity, their status, their celebrity because they have such a large following. Surely you can’t be like them because they already exist and surely you can’t take away from their tribe, so why try?

It’s an illusion.

The most popular marketers, branders, bloggers, speakers, artists have far less true fans than you realize. They have a core tribe, likely 20 percent of all the people you think are their tribe actually are and provide for 80 percent of their status, income, and drive.

Just because someone views a blog daily, doesn’t put them as part of a person’s core tribe. Most often the core tribe is a collective of friends. You have friends, right? Then it looks like you’ve already started down the path of becoming noticed, appreciated, and respected. You’ve began growing your core tribe.

It’s not as hard as it looks. All it really requires of you is to befriend people (to be nice more than interesting) and to show up every day (give something and embrace vulnerability daily).


Stay Positive & 1 Million Followers On Twitter Is The Wrong Goal

The Big Splash

The guy cannonballing in the pool may attract the views of everyone around…temporarily.

Olympic diver Mark Lenzi dove more than 10,000 times with few to no spectators before the world watched him.

It’s easy to forget every hero, every popular brand, every olympic star, started as unpopular, as obscure, as esoteric. Tiny splashes in a world-sized pool. Yet, now everything Apple does, everything Schwarzenegger says, everything Heidi Klum wears is a big splash.

But the big splash is the perception others have of you. Sure, it’s an honor, but you don’t see your splash as a splash anymore. It’s not some kindred act of getting laughs; it’s an art. Every splash to others is a dive to you.

Dive by dive by dive you’ll get to the point where everything you do is seen as a big splash, but don’t get lost in it.


Stay Positive & Centered On Your Dive

I Hope It Takes Time For Me To Get Noticed

I Hope It Takes Time For Me To Get Noticed

Not So Instant Success

If everyone knew about me and my work right away, it might be because I marketed myself just right and not that I’ve done anything truly remarkable.

Be it me or a piece of software or your new startup, if it’s immediately popular, immediately caught on by the masses, immediately has every spotlight shined on it, none are reliable indicators of remarkable work, of art.

For most innovations, the fact it has taken awhile to catch on means they are important because they have won over the skeptics, they have made it through hell and back.

Often times people sacrifice their business or themselves for the short-lived, well-marketed limelight rather than being in the game for the long haul; rather than creating evergreen, everlasting content; rather than doing the remarkable work of swaying the most skeptical influencers over time.

There is such a thing as a “get rich quick” strategy, but now a “be remarkable in seconds” one.


Stay Positive & Instant Attention Takes Away The Fun, The Pride, The Point Of Being An Artist

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