Talking Points

In the moment of indecision, of wondering what people want to hear, in trying to please the boss in the room, we forget the talking points we are most moved by.

What happens in most presentations is they get filled with the expected.

Informative, sure, but expected.

The presenter goes through the motions and about three-quarters into the keynote, they’ve finally slid in a slide about what they are most passionate about. And you know what? That’s the most moving part of the presentation.

Not because of any build up to it, but because the energy of the presenter finally gets noticed.

People like Sasha Dichter and Simon Sinek aren’t phenomenal speakers because they practiced how to speak publicly. What makes them special is they’ve practiced how to speak publicly about points that completely move them, energize them, fill them with an incredible need to share. (That’s why Sasha paces and Simon uses so many hand motions and vocal influxes.)

Instead of putting the expected talking points in your next presentation, send them out earlier in an email and dedicate your presentation to what moves you most.


Stay Positive & Focus On Resonating, Not Feeding An Audience The Basics

Anyone Can Design, Right?


There are so many tools (free and cheap) that allow the most novice of designers to create something better than they can on Microsoft word or Minecraft. Take presentations, for example.

It began with Powerpoint. Outside of academia, I have yet to see someone present using Powerpoint. I have, however, seen users upload their information to Prezi or Haiku Deck, two (free!) fantastic and simply designed presentation platforms.

It makes me wonder why we need “professional” designers if – so it seems – anyone can design an adequate presentation.

Then I come across people like Nancy Duarte and her methodology to designing presentations. From there I visit her portfolio, my jaw drops. I – hopefully you, now, too – am astonished and impressed with her work. It is some of the finest design I have seen.

Sure, anyone can design, but very few can design like Duarte. I suppose that’s why I am so fascinated with design, simply because the moment you think everyone is a designer, someone steps it up a notch and raises the “average.”

I will tell you this: you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by keeping up with the average. I have said it already, design is in everything, no matter what career you have or are pursuing.


Stay Positive & Forget The Joneses, Keep Up With The Designers

Garth E. Beyer