No One There To Tell You

That’s the biggest problem for the members of the creative class – there is no one there to tell you what to write on, what to create, who to connect with, how to develop a tribe or when to launch a product.

Sure, you can read suggestions on a blog, watch a tutorial on YouTube, or follow Wiki’s how-to list, but that is the opposite of what defines you as part of the creative class. The toughest part is meant to be self-assigning work – creative work that matters, I might add.

Creativity, by my definition, is interaction with ambiguous results. There is no one there to tell you exactly how to interact or specifically what the results will be – it’s up to you to set the goals, to trailblaze your way to success, and discover what works best for you.

No one tells me to write every day or to interact with 10 people a week on Twitter or to repeat the process of consuming > producing > sharing, I simply do it because not doing it doesn’t lead me to become the creative person I want to be.

When you stop looking at your creative actions as optional, it’s as if you don’t even need anyone there to tell you.


Stay Positive & Be Your Own Boss

Garth E. Beyer (sure, you will think your boss is an asshole at times, but at least he delivers.)




Business Development: How To Handle Construction & Improvements

When you are doing construction on your business, blog or yourself you need to remember that construction is the biggest event that goes viral with word of mouth.

Do you notice that when there are road construction workers starting, you get notified by someone or you notify someone. Wait…

it’s not just one person who tells you or you tell, its everyone you see. Everyone at work, everyone that you think it may have the slightest effect on.

The same happens with your life and business, when you are under construction, not only can every see it, not only will everyone spread the word, but the worst…they will all detour.

The biggest difference between road construction and business/self construction? After the road is repaired, people go back to driving on it. After you finish your construction, very few will come back. Just like you have to plan when you are going to launch new products, you have to plan your construction periods. There are two times when you need to do construction and there are proper ways to handle both. After following through, you will not only see all your old customers and friends come back, but they will bring back with them other friends and prospects.

1. When you have a mishap that needs to be correct immediately.

You have to beat the word of mouth spreading that there has been a hiccup. Not only that, but the word of mouth you want to be spreading is that you were quick to make the correction and in doing so, used the opportunity to also make an improvement for all to benefit from. You can’t expect no one to notice the small bump in the road and the thing about small bumps is that the more people that notice it, the bigger it gets. It’s much more cost + time efficient to correct and improve the little matters immediately than having them lead to the second type of construction.

2. When it’s time to fix pot holes and make new improvements.

These construction events need to be planned and sometimes, even promoted. But you can’t stop there, on top of promoting the construction, to win the customers over, you have to provide the perfect detour plan for them while offering them rewards for their patience and for breaking their routine. Shame on you for letting it get that bad! Or… rather not. When you hear a business making huge improvements or incorporating a large update, not only do you get excited yourself for the new improvements, but you share that excitement. Of course, if the business follows through with the steps mentioned above, not only will you keep a connection with the business, not only will the people you tell and share the excitement with go and connect with the business but most importantly, with the new update the business will have more than doubled the word of mouth viral effect which promotes itself.

In the end, it does not matter what people read, it does not matter what people write – what does matter is what they say to each other. Are they telling each other to detour your business because you didn’t respond quickly enough to an accident (Customer service)? Or are they complaining to each other about the new update that took place that they didn’t hear about or get an incentive for (anyone still getting mad at all the Facebook updates)?

I mentioned it before and I’ll mention it again, there is no greater cause and effect than announcing, preparing, providing and rewarding people when you go under construction which results with the reverse domino affect; One overly-positive correction and improvement made by the business (you) will make all the other domino’s (people) find their way to you.

Stay Positive and Turn Your “Under Construction” Moments Into Tipping Points

Garth E. Beyer

Reverse Domino Effect