“That’s Disgusting!”

Sometimes I read incredible articles, uncertain if I will ever recall them again or if they have simply fell into that black hole I have in my mind.

Alas, my assumptions were countered.

Roughly four months ago, I read an article in The Chronicle Review called The Delights of Disgust. Today, not only four minutes ago, I sat down to write, a bowl of oatmeal from a local coffee shop next to me.  Whilst eating, I found someone else’s DNA in the form of bristle in my oatmeal.

While Justin Smith does exceptional work ruminating on the idea of disgust, humor, and humanity. I would like to make an aside that’s worth noting (with less sexual and political prominence).

Oh, and here is the picture of the hair. I went to pluck it out of my food and ended up pulling and pulling and pulling. “That’s disgusting!” Right?


After putting the strand of hair to the side (as shown above), I continued to finish my oatmeal. The way I see it is this, will I let something disgusting (hair in food, smell of a fart, undercooked meat) influence my actions, but more importantly, my judgements?

For many who find themselves in a similar situation, would have complained, would have asked for a new bowl, would have ranted on Twitter, and would then avoid eating oatmeal for the next few weeks until the memory fades.

Aurel Kolnai, who in 1929 published an essay “Der Ekel” (“Disgust”) saw disgust as inherently paradoxical, to the extent that it is “a genuinely passive defensive reaction of the subject, … and yet, once aroused, it seeks out its object, as hatred does, in its entire significance, instead of unfolding according to the persona’s own condition.

Curiously enough, in any dictionary, “disgust” is juxtaposed with “humor.”

Since when did the demand of “smell my finger” become the force of what is disgusting, rather than the actual act of smelling the finger? And to the one asking, both the asking and the action of their finger being smelled is humorous. Is this not a perfect display of humanity? At the most basic level, something has an aroma, and we have the ability to sense it through smell. Then, the action of sensory perception leads to laughter. Yet, it’s not that simple, is it?

There are multiple variables attempting to dominate our lives, to make decisions for us, to dictate even. The major contributors to this dictation are morales, laws, politics, social structures and others.  I’m not sure about you, but I’m not comfortable with letting disgust control me. I think the list of factors that behest our lives is long enough.


Stay Positive & Human, In Control

Garth E. Beyer


What Everyone Needs To Invest Their Time In

Evil Lumber

This picture is not beautiful, but it is art. In the post yesterday, I related that art is the product of beauty, meaning that making art does not make your work beautiful but making your art from beauty makes it art. Art is channeling that beauty through your creative senses (in this case, drawing). What is beauty though? Beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, most commonly arising from sensory manifestations (in this case, visual).

I’m an artist. We all are. I’m a really great drawing artist as well, even though my drawings can be pretty ugly. I mean, I tried drawing a friend one time while waiting in the airport and it was so bad that she wasn’t even mad, she pitied me. That feeling though, that mental stimulation that goes along with just creating something is why I draw. -actually, we should probably just call it doodling- That feeling is actually why I do anything I do. See, many people live by mottos such as “YOLO” or “Make the most of every moment” but could I, could anyone go wrong with “always create art”?

No matter how ugly it is, no matter how few people would care to look at it or how many would throw it away, to create art all day everyday takes a certain kind of person, it takes a beautiful person. A person who cares, a person who is passionate and a person who can find that intense pleasure in everything they do.

Stay Positive & Make More Art

Garth E. Beyer