Driven By A Core Tribe

All of your idols have a core tribe.

It’s easy to distance yourself from their popularity, their status, their celebrity because they have such a large following. Surely you can’t be like them because they already exist and surely you can’t take away from their tribe, so why try?

It’s an illusion.

The most popular marketers, branders, bloggers, speakers, artists have far less true fans than you realize. They have a core tribe, likely 20 percent of all the people you think are their tribe actually are and provide for 80 percent of their status, income, and drive.

Just because someone views a blog daily, doesn’t put them as part of a person’s core tribe. Most often the core tribe is a collective of friends. You have friends, right? Then it looks like you’ve already started down the path of becoming noticed, appreciated, and respected. You’ve began growing your core tribe.

It’s not as hard as it looks. All it really requires of you is to befriend people (to be nice more than interesting) and to show up every day (give something and embrace vulnerability daily).


Stay Positive & 1 Million Followers On Twitter Is The Wrong Goal

Interruption Status

Are you high status enough that you can interrupt someone’s presentation?

Naturally, that’s the role of a high status person, is it not? To butt in when something needs to be flushed out?

Have you stopped to think of the many ways they got to the status of being able to interrupt a meeting, a presentation, a conversation and everyone is okay with it?

We live a lot of days looking up to people and not realizing how many times they’ve failed, said the wrong thing at the wrong time, and made fools of themselves in front of others before they got the status they have now, the one you admire, the one you wish upon yourself.


Stay Positive & Speak Up