The Biggest Concern Of Those With A Great Idea

The Biggest Concern Of Those With A Great Idea

Steal Ideas

People (you?) are amazing. The ideas some come up with and share with me, they are truly remarkable. Consistently the thinker of the great idea wants to see it to fruition, but doesn’t have the time, resources, money, etc,.

Instead of just starting small (or just starting. period), instead of sharing their idea with someone who might partner with them, instead of starting a blog and writing about their idea to become an expert and build their brand for when they can see the idea through, they forfeit their idea for fear of it being stolen. That is the biggest concern of those with a great idea. “What if someone steals it?”

Newsflash: You can’t own an idea. Even if you copyright or trademark, neither can save your idea, they can only preserve the expression of your idea. This form or protection requires you to act on your idea. (Even then, I have a few words about that.)

The best way to resolve the concern and to shun the pirates?

Create something they can’t duplicate the same way. Work so hard and so fast to turn your great idea into reality that the competition can’t keep up. Be so remarkable that even if someone tried duplicating your product or service, everyone would know their product or service is not your product or service.

You can leverage the pirates by giving them something they can steal and encouraging them to (think music industry). You can nurture the pirates (start a blog you share your ideas on for them to feed off). Or you can outperform them (actually create that great idea).


Stay Positive & I Put My Money On Option Three

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Worried About Your Idea Being Stolen?

A lot of people don’t follow through with an idea because they think others will just rip it off, essentially stealing it.

Aside from the fact that their idea was likely stolen from some other artist anyway, I’ve decided to write today with the intention of putting this worry of theft to rest.


A great idea never just happens. A great idea is a good idea actually executed, created, put to the test. Great ideas require a deep investment; both time and emotion. The myth is that great ideas are worth hanging on to.

They’re not.

If the market sees a great idea become a successful idea, then the market will naturally spit out artists that will attempt to mimic your great idea. Twitter became a success, and then dozens of other apps that run just like Twitter were developed.

Do you believe the founders of Twitter are still there running it? Think again.

They are off creating something else while the market is wasting its time and energy on replicating (stealing the idea) of a successful business to earn small profits off the laggards.

If you have a good idea, implement it and turn it into a great one without the worry of it being stolen because if it’s a great idea, it will.

And that goes to your advantage because you’re off developing the next great idea while everyone is trying to steal your first idea.

Having your idea stolen just means that you’re in the lead.


Stay Positive & Keep Creating

Garth E. Beyer

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