Dimensions Of Your Programming

As most things in the world, the more you understand something, the easier it is to excel or improve it.

With that in mind, here are the four dimensions of every persons programming.

Beliefs: I would go so far as to agree with the statistic that at least 60% of people on the planet still believe the world is flat. While it may not necessarily be true – I haven’t gotten around to asking everyone yet – the concept behind it is worth putting all your faiths in one basket for.

The point is that it’s almost as if it’s human nature to believe something indefinitely upon hearing it. It’s as if I walked into a party, picked a guy out and told everyone else that his occupation is being a clown, or that he is carrying a knife or that he stuffs his pants.  99% of the people I tell will believe me.

If the subject in question appeals to their common sense and I appear to be an honest person, then their sold. Right then, right there. No chance to change their mind, especially given the fact they will either avoid the guy or kick him out.

Beliefs stick and just like the janitors at a middle school, you have to tip the desk over and scrape the gum off from time to time and start fresh.

Behaviors: Humans are addicted to stimulation when it comes to behavior. So much that regardless if something is internal or external, conscious or subconscious, or overt or covert, every person will always side on the most stimulative behavior.

Nor does it matter whether someone is an introvert or extrovert as both are aiming for the same feeling of stimulation despite it is from different activities. It is humans behavior to lean in the direction of the most stimulative experience. Why is this bad? This makes you predictable.

Every now and then, we have to do things we don’t want to. It’s actually a good thing because it makes us unpredictable and those who try using your predictability to earn a greedy income are filled with regret for ever thinking they could understand you.

Intellectual Experience: Of course, stimulation doesn’t just end with behaviors, it begins with them. It is through those unpredictably stimulating occurrences where you gather intellectual experiences.

But wait, intellectual experience does not come directly from the stimulation, it comes from the understanding of it.

When you pay close attention to detail, analyze it and deduce that there is a lesson to be learned from it, that is when you increase your intellectual experience. It is not necessarily being able to have a large vocabulary, being able to synthesize an equation and deduce a problem or ace a pop quiz.

Then again, those never hurt either.

Consequences: Consequences are what define morality, character, integrity and righteousness. They direct every persons life toward either “good” or “bad”. If you don’t know the meaning or power of consequences, you definitely haven’t made any choices, taken any risks or started a brouhaha. Go do that. Now.


Stay Positive & Improvement Follows Understanding (It’s In Our Programming)

Garth E. Beyer

What Everyone Needs To Invest Their Time In

Evil Lumber

This picture is not beautiful, but it is art. In the post yesterday, I related that art is the product of beauty, meaning that making art does not make your work beautiful but making your art from beauty makes it art. Art is channeling that beauty through your creative senses (in this case, drawing). What is beauty though? Beauty is the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, most commonly arising from sensory manifestations (in this case, visual).

I’m an artist. We all are. I’m a really great drawing artist as well, even though my drawings can be pretty ugly. I mean, I tried drawing a friend one time while waiting in the airport and it was so bad that she wasn’t even mad, she pitied me. That feeling though, that mental stimulation that goes along with just creating something is why I draw. -actually, we should probably just call it doodling- That feeling is actually why I do anything I do. See, many people live by mottos such as “YOLO” or “Make the most of every moment” but could I, could anyone go wrong with “always create art”?

No matter how ugly it is, no matter how few people would care to look at it or how many would throw it away, to create art all day everyday takes a certain kind of person, it takes a beautiful person. A person who cares, a person who is passionate and a person who can find that intense pleasure in everything they do.

Stay Positive & Make More Art

Garth E. Beyer