Two Of The Biggest Reasons You Stay Stuck

Get Unstuck

Two of the biggest reasons you stay stuck and don’t do anything is fear of inadequacy and fear of failure.

You may be good at many things, but a master of none. No matter what you do, it won’t be good enough. Have you felt this before?

Failure can suck too, but that is a mindset one has about failure.

Ask someone who has never failed before and they will say failure is terrible, just absolutely terrible. Ask someone who has failed plenty of times, me for instance, and I will say failure is necessary, it’s a stepping stone, and… I’m alive.

Staying stuck is a choice. Being afraid is a dance. You can’t stay stuck if you’re moving, can’t stay stuck if you’re dancing with the fear that pursues you.


Stay Positive & People Die Standing Still

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For The Most Of Us

For some, they’re able to quit their jobs to focus completely on their passion. For some, they inherit work that is paralleled with their passion. For some, their passion has been all they’ve ever known.

But for most, we have to earn our right. We have to conform a little to be able to be our true selves. We have to do a tad of the safe work, the work we may not want to do, the work that we get paid by the hour for, all in order to be able to do what we truly want.

The trouble is, people get stuck. Safe becomes comfortable. “The groove” becomes their future. They take what they are given and buy the idea that they aren’t special with it. They buy the idea that they can’t work on creating their art (doing their passion) simultaneously while working.

It’s a great excuse – the job – to not do the work that really matters. A job takes time, energy, focus, muscles, brainpower. It’s easy to say that you spent all your willpower for the day on your job and pushback your passion to tomorrow, or the weekend or after you finish this big project at work.

This is where being stuck meets being confused. Those who are stuck confuse their passion with something they have to do, much like their job. Whereas, by definition, your passion is something you get to do, get to feel, get to create – not something you have to.

Being able to separate work and your passion takes practice, but it can all begin with a constant reminder that work is what you have to do and your passion is what you get to do.

No day is fulfilled without having done both.


Stay Positive & Fulfill More Of Your Days

Garth E. Beyer

You Hate What You Do, But Your The Best At It

I would beg to differ. If you are comparing yourself to the hundreds of other people who don’t like what they are doing, but do it anyway, than maybe you are the best at it.

But generally speaking, there is no way you’re the best at it. If I found someone (which I’m sure I could) that really wanted to do your job, that actually enjoys it, that may even say they love it, then I would put all my money on them doing a better job than you.

Just because you’re great at something, doesn’t mean you’re the best at it.

Especially if you don’t love what you’re doing.


Stay Positive & Stop Using That As An Excuse To Not Go Do What You Love

Garth E. Beyer

The Not-So-Simple Simple Process Of Becoming An Expert

Step 0: Choose what you want to become an expert in.

Step 1: Learn about it to the point you don’t make mistakes.*
Step 2. Do things adequately.
Step 3. Follow your intuition.

After step two is complete – you’re mediocre and work has become more a routine than anything – is when almost everyone gets stuck. They get comfortable with meeting standards and not pushing any buttons for improvement. But there is no art in doing something right. The art is in doing something better than it was done before. Art follows passion and passion follows intuition which hopefully you follow. That is how you become an expert.

* No. I hope it’s obvious that I don’t actually mean that you don’t make any mistakes at all. However, there is a point in every position of your career path where you make little to no mistakes. This point arrives when you learn nearly all you can.


Stay Positive & If You Stop Being Surprised At Work, You’re Stuck

Garth E. Beyer