Imagine Better

What you deserve is a challenge to your imagination.

If you don’t know already, to use your imagination involves working nearly every part of your brain: the cortex, hippocampus, neocortex, thalamus, […] and worst of all, the amygdala.

It’s hard to work every part of your brain to produce something remarkable. But it must be done if you want your work to be just that – something remarkable.

The challenge lies in your experiences. Everything you have experienced to be the “best feeling/event/thing” in the world, you have to imagine something better, bigger, and more ridiculously great. Once imagine things being just a bit better, go make it happen.

To live a fuller life, you have to stretch your


Stay Positive & If You Can Imagine It, You Can Have It

Garth E. Beyer

Secret recipe: work

You Really Don’t Want To Do What You Love

I’m getting a couple of articles published on Under30CEO. Meanwhile I am beginning to write for the Clarion (school newspaper). Also, I attended the PRSSA kick off event tonight and will be going to the Madison chapter of Society of Professional Journalists next week. This is the life of a person going into PR. I want to schedule the meetings with those who lead these organizations and others, I want to be a critical part to the clubs and organizations progress, and I want to connect with everyone I can so that I can learn everything they know.

Secretly though, I don’t want to. I was nervous about submitting the articles to Under30CEO, it took me over a week to convince myself to email the chief-in-editor for the Clarion about a position, I thought I missed the PRSSA event and simply shrugged with a tad of self-dissapointment, and I’m still telling myself that I’m going to the SPJ meeting to connect with people; I don’t need to be connected with someone before I go. To be straightforward, part of me didn’t want to do any of the things that I love doing!

We all want to do what we love, our passion, what makes us most happy to be doing. Yet, even those things make us put on our brakes, question our reasoning, evaluate the risk, let nervousness prevent us from action, and remain passive while the lizard brain takes control. Doing what you love is hard work and though you may want to do it, you will always also not want to do it.

My motto is that you’ll never get anywhere if you don’t do at least one thing a day that you don’t want to do.

Remember, you may not love what you do – and that’s okay, it’s not the point – the point is to love having done what you did more than anything in the world. Eventually, you’ll grow to love doing the things you both do and don’t want to do. It’s about creating habit. Keep doing what you don’t want to do and you’ll end up loving every minute of it.


Stay Positive & Commit To Never Skip A Day

Garth E. Beyer

Personally, at the end of the day I will be happy no matter what as long as I did something I didn’t want to do because I know I’ll have made progress whether it appears right away or not.

A Riff On Job Security And What It Means To Be A Linchpin

I didn’t know what was going on 10 years ago. I didn’t experience it. I only know what work, employment, the successful were all like because I’ve studied them. What I do know from experience is how difficult it is to grow up knowing that society is dysfunctional. That everything that my parents grew up with worked for them, but not for me. I felt pulled into an abyss because I knew that the world needed, not just someone, but some type of people. I grew up understanding factories and what it took to work there. Until I realized everything turned into a factory, that 2/3 of the jobs I ask friends what they want to do say “factory worker” without actually saying it. In the middle of everything that is no longer working but was being forced, I couldn’t become what I wanted to be until I decided to fight the world back and join the Tribe of Linchpins.

The job market got personal by giving stagnant wages, health insurance and a false illusion of job security. Job security is what everyone fights for, or rather procrastinates for. Every job began as a job where people didn’t have to think until their job was on the line. Then, instead of becoming a linchpin, an artist, a creator, they chose to make the tasks of the job last longer. Job security became self-controlled. This is what I grew up noticing. I say it in past tense because job security isn’t a result of always having stuff on your to-do list anymore. No. Job security has become something else, something better, something beneficial. 

Job security is only available to linchpins. The ones who do the jobs and all the other tasks that aren’t getting done. It may not be their job, but to a linchpin, that’s no reason not to do it. This is what job security means. Instead of being told what to do -which is repetitive and produces the same exact dull results over and over- linchpins figure out what to do. Figuring something out taps potential on the shoulder and tells her to get to work. It produces greater, more important, more human results and 95% of the time more profit than dictated results.

Linchpins produce emotional labor, not the kind of work you’re doing now where you come home frustrated and exhausted from doing what you’re told (always more exhausting than doing art). See, cogs are people who have been manipulated and brainwashed not to stop to think if what they are doing is different, human and actually productive above the average standards. Linchpins not only stop themselves, pause and find out how to be more creative, but they have the ability to stop other cogs, redirect then, and turn them into creative linchpins because being a linchpin means being leader and being a leader is about making other people leaders. Leaders are indispensable which means job security is universal. This job security doens’t mean you will stay at one job forever, it means that you will always have a job, a place where it will be your responsiblity to do what linchpins do best.


Stay Positive & This Job Security Is Sooo Much Better

Garth E. Beyer (secured since 1992)

Parents Cost Us Money Too

Parents Cost Us Money Too (what we wish our parents would have told us) is now in a free downloadable PDF version which can be read on your computer or transferred onto your favorite eReader. Deep down,  this short 32 page eBook is my rant against how parents minimally or completely fail to empower their children with an education on money management. In reality, it sounds and reads nothing like a rant. I have written it purely to help kids learn what my parents never taught me and for the parents to learn what and how they can teach their kids about money management, goal setting, work & life lessons and much more. Everything you will read in this eBook has a face value but an even deeper meaning that is rooted to all the experiences I have had and often times wish I didn’t have.

In this free eBook you will find:

  • How to have an interest in interest
  • Nerf guns and sports cars
  • The realization that school does not educate students about money
  • My philosophy of prevention over clean-up
  • Hard work and working smart
  • Commission sheets, budgets and goal setting
  • The ages in which to teach the lessons
  • Personal stories, examples, and one chart
  • and much more

Please share your response or any ideas you get from the eBook in the comments section below. Feel free to share the eBook as well.


Stay Positive & A Step Toward Prevention, Is Still A Step

Garth E. Beyer

WORK: The Big Picture

This post is to be read during the rough work days and before the end of difficult work days. Read Time: 30 seconds

Never get aggravated, emotional, negative or bring home any resentment from work again.

Notice how small everything is in the picture. Especially work. I bet it took you some time to find it.


Remember that your work is a very small piece in a very large picture called life.

You could lose your job but you will be fine. You could mess a task up but you will be fine. Work is only work when you focus on it, but when you view the bigger picture… that fact that unless you are dying, you really can’t say you’re having a rough day.

The Big Picture: Life goes on, and it keeps going on. It does not stop to complain about the bad job you did or to get upset with how much work there is still left to do or how long it will take to do it. It goes on, unbiased, undaunted. If life goes on, why shouldn’t you?

Stay Positive and And Remember Those Three Words About Life

Garth E. Beyer      it goes on