In The Box Podcast

Episode 1: Creatives, Working Smart, The Power Of Nothing And More – Podcast


We’re finally here! Michael and I have recorded a handful of episodes over the last month, and we’re ready to launch!

In The Box Podcast is where we take ideas to the edge of reality, we question motives, we search for answers under unturned rocks, and we think about things differently.

The way we roll with the podcast is we have 6 themes and one question for each, which Michael and I split between the two of us. You’ll learn in the second or third podcast that Michael and I don’t know too much about each other. We had a class together in college, which at the end of we would chat, usually resulting with a deep conversation and concluding with some form of enlightenment. Okay, maybe enlightenment is too strong of a word. Basically we have awesome conversations that we think you’ll enjoy. You can let us know if you do by rating our podcast in iTunes.

Episode 1: Creatives, Working Smart, And The Power Of Nothing

Gatekeepers – Gatekeepers in the industry, are they necessary?

Working Hard – What is the definition of hard work?

Comedy – Does comedy have to come from a place of pain?

Placebos – Placebos outside of medical field useful?

Craft Beer – Is Wisconsin still the beer state?

Social Media – Do businesses hide from the important work by focusing on social media?


Stay Positive & Listen On! Subscribe! Rate! Wooo!

When You Finally Go On That Vacation You’ve Worked Hard For

You and I both know there is one particular big reason why you’re working so smart and so hard. You obviously want to go on a trip somewhere, be it Ireland, Cape Town, Napal or to the Silicon Valley to see if it’s all what it’s cracked up to be. One question, though, about you finally going on that vacation you have worked so hard for. Will you be missed?

Blockbuster was loved by many, but when it went away, was it missed?

Bank tellers are loved by many, but when they break and you have to use an ATM, do you miss them?

Even newspapers, which are not yet gone, will they be missed when they are?

If you’re not missed while you’re gone, are you really working hard, really working smart? Because leaving a legacy, being missed isn’t an easy thing. Take a breath, though, you still have time to do things differently before your flight takes off.


Stay Positive & Well, Will You Be Missed?

It’s not enough to be told you’re needed while you’re away. What matters is that you’re wanted, desired, cherished.


My Friend Makes The 80/20 Rule Look Weak

Hard work, and a lot of it, is what it takes to reach any worthy goal.

Smart work is when you put the hard work into the 20 percent of actions that produce 80 percent of results.

The best work is when you can balance everything.


I have a friend that nearly invalidates all of these concepts. For the sake of explanation and relativity, I’m going to use weight lifting as an example, but you can exchange it with any line of work.

I’ve been lifting weights for over a year: building muscle, toning it, shaping my body the way I want it. I put in the hard work by lifting until I’m sore, I put in the smart work by following a program, and I put in the best work by making sure that my body is balanced. I was once skinny and scrawny and now I am more filled in and toned. Yet, I have a long way to go until I reach the muscle ratio I want. (Don’t worry, I’m not looking to become freakishly beefy, just extremely fit. To put it in perspective, I plan to do the Iron Man in a few years.)

Now, I have a friend. This friend was in the same situation as me, skinny and scrawny, if not even more skinny and scrawny than I started out being. About three weeks ago he began working out and is catching up to me – fast. No, he won’t be caught up to me in a week or even two, but I can guarantee it won’t take him over a year to get as far as I am now. (Remember, I’ve been going at it for over a year to get where I am!).

My friend, Brett, defies the 80/20 rule, he seems to – before taking any action – figure out how to do 5% of the work that creates 95% of the results. My friend makes the 80/20 rule look weak. He does the hardest work, the genius work, and doesn’t care about balance, he cares about progress. There’s nothing wrong with that right?

Brett has always been this way, not just with lifting weights but with everything else that sparks his interest. What he has taught me – and hopefully, through this post, can teach you – is that there are always ways that you can shorten your invested time and simultaneously strengthen the results. The 80/20 rule is a great place to start, but not the place to stay.


Stay Positive & Try The 5/95 Rule, Also Known As Hohler’s Law (as opposed to Pareto’s law of 80/20)

Garth E. Beyer

What You Deserve

Life is not centered at giving you what you need, you’re on your own with that.

It is however, very much focused on giving you what you deserve. And so am I.

Sure it’s smart to separate your wants and needs, but for this particular case, let’s put them all in one and just call them needs. After all, everyone gets them confused anyway.

Is it safe for me to say that you have never received anything you needed for no reason? As much as we, as humans, fight the assumption, every choice we make is made on the justification that it somehow benefits us. While some people lean towards selflessness like Mother Teresa and others are predominately selfish like Hitler, it is never one or the other, both made the choices they made because it benefited them.

If prodded long enough as to why someone did what they did, it is inevitable to get a response which states that.

Typically unbeknownst, when you receive something you need, you receive it because you have worked for it – except, that you actually never worked for it, you worked for the person to give you it. Again, you are usually unaware that you have worked or will work in a way that will benefit the person who is giving you what you need. Obviously then, the bigger the need, want, desire, hope, and so on that you have, the harder you have to work.

Want to be on the ballot for the next presidential election? You have to work hard for an extremely long time and the hard work you do has to benefit as many people as possible in the largest of ways. The same goes if you want to be a successful businessperson. The same goes if you want to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Anything major in life requires major work. None of it will be given to you unless you provide the gift bearer ways that it would benefit them.

Then, while you are working hard, working smart, working more efficiently through the good and bad times in order to get what you need, life – and all it’s magic – steps in and gives you exactly what you deserve.

However, what most people fail to understand is that you can go through life working hard and never get what you deserve because to get what you deserve, you have to work on your character. What builds character? I think you can figure that one out by yourself.

In my opinion, and I am curious if you agree, I would rather go through life getting what I deserve than what I need/want/desire.


Stay Positive & Work On Yourself And Everything Else Will Come To You

Garth E. Beyer

Parents Cost Us Money Too

Parents Cost Us Money Too (what we wish our parents would have told us) is now in a free downloadable PDF version which can be read on your computer or transferred onto your favorite eReader. Deep down,  this short 32 page eBook is my rant against how parents minimally or completely fail to empower their children with an education on money management. In reality, it sounds and reads nothing like a rant. I have written it purely to help kids learn what my parents never taught me and for the parents to learn what and how they can teach their kids about money management, goal setting, work & life lessons and much more. Everything you will read in this eBook has a face value but an even deeper meaning that is rooted to all the experiences I have had and often times wish I didn’t have.

In this free eBook you will find:

  • How to have an interest in interest
  • Nerf guns and sports cars
  • The realization that school does not educate students about money
  • My philosophy of prevention over clean-up
  • Hard work and working smart
  • Commission sheets, budgets and goal setting
  • The ages in which to teach the lessons
  • Personal stories, examples, and one chart
  • and much more

Please share your response or any ideas you get from the eBook in the comments section below. Feel free to share the eBook as well.


Stay Positive & A Step Toward Prevention, Is Still A Step

Garth E. Beyer