“Really, Though, If You Had To Choose X Or Y…”

You can choose not to play that game.

A kerfuffle occurred this morning with a coworker and myself. I stated I didn’t want to take the couch my parents were willing to give me because I wanted to buy a new, more functional, appealing and comfortable one.

Have you ever met someone who likes to sporadically get you to play a game of Would You Rather? Here was his response.

“Would you rather have a new couch or go on a short road trip?”

I chose both.

He’s choosing to play the game. I’m not. A lot of games, this one in particular, are mentally and ambitiously crippling. When you choose to play, I see it as eliminating a possibility in your mind to get what you want in the real world. Forcing yourself to choose is self-limitation.

For those who want you to choose between X or Y, let them play with themselves.


Stay Positive & You Go Have It All