Take A Drive

Shut Up And Drive

I love driving, but never knew why until this last weekend.

When I’m driving, I like to put myself in the driver-of-another-vehicle’s shoes. I like to guess how they will act on the road. Do they speed? Are they about to pass someone? Are they the type to look before they start changing lanes?

How does their actions relate to the vehicle they’re driving? Do they fit stereotypes? Do they blow expectations away?

There’s a remarkable world out there on the road where you can acquire so much information about human habits, intentions, and behaviors.

And, of course, the marketer in me finds brand-related touch points.

The epiphany was a nice reminder that we as marketers can get smarter off the road as much as on it, even without podcasts.


Stay Positive & Shut Up And Drive

Photo credit

Garth Beyer
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