Team Work

There’s no such thing as a solo career any more. There’s too many involved to make the work rock.

Even an artist that designs labels for packages as a freelancer. First and foremost, her team is her client and then regardless if she personally reaches out for any help or feedback or insight, the client certainly shares it around and extends the team.

Now imagine if the freelancer did reach out to a friend to get a read on her work, and maybe she read a few articles about similar products…the authors of those articles could technically be considered part of her team, too.

The short of it is team work makes the dream work and anyone trying to stay solo isn’t doing their strongest work.

I’d also argue that those who work to have a strongly large team make the work better, too. It might feel like it boggs down a process and timing and cost may be impacted, but the work inevitably gets stronger.

In fact, just like you, it’s strength is the average of the team behind it.

Stay Positive & Get Those Smarter Involved With You To Raise The Bar

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Garth Beyer
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