Terms And Conditions

I made a bet with my dad while hiking and stumbling upon a pile of deer feces. I bet him $10 that he wouldn’t eat one of the “berries.”

We shook hands and with a smile on his face, he picked one up, investigated it like it was the most important material at a crime scene, then downed it. Destroying the evidence.

It was over in a second. I was out 10 bucks. And it was as if he didn’t even do it. Because the thing is, he didn’t even chew it.

I forgot to establish that in the terms and conditions before we shook hands.

See, even the smallest, unconventional, and completely miscellaneous circumstances, you can learn something monumental. Being weary of future terms and conditions isn’t the point though.

The point is that I made a mistake. While I may not have gotten as much enjoyment out of the bet as I expected (don’t get me wrong, it was still nasty, and I never let him forget what he did, obviously), I learned a valuable lesson.

I’ll be sure to make more mistakes, in the business world and out in the woods. Will you?


Stay Positive & Make More Mistakes To Strengthen Future Terms And Conditions

Garth E. Beyer

Garth Beyer
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