Th Best Or Worst Part Of The PR Industry

PR and Social Media

At every PR event, seminar, breakfast I go to, I inevitably hear complaints about the C-suite of the business not caring about measuring qualitative variables. Some clients still don’t believe in PR. Some clients don’t care about impact or target – all they care about is sales. The list of trials and tribulations (complaints) goes on.

These attitudes by a business’s decision-makers don’t bother me, or, more importantly, their attitudes toward my profession doesn’t make me dislike my profession.

Here’s the truth: Those in the PR industry will always be ahead of those in the C-suite, of those in the R&D department, of those private investors to a business when it comes to our industry.

As soon as the entire business gets on board with what we’ve been telling them for the last five years, we’ll have discovered something else, we’ll want to test something else, we’ll have shifted our beliefs to something better and the cycle restarts.

We can complain…or we can keep pushing marketing until are worth is obvious. This isn’t to say informing and inspiring businesses to support PR and social media will ever get easier. I’ve already made it plain that it won’t. It will, however, make it more rewarding.

If you’re being put off by clients’ and businesses’ slow move to embrace PR and social media, the marketing industry may not be for you.

When you can wake up each day and know you’ll be dancing up a hill (sometimes it’s easy, sometimes it’s nowhere near easy) and you’re fine with that, then you’ve found your industry.


Stay Positive & You’re Called A Professional For A Reason – You’re Supposed To Know More

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Garth Beyer
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